
A wrapper around mustache.js template engine that allows you to render your templates easily.
JS templates mustache DOM


A wrapper around mustache.js template engine that allows you to render your templates easily.

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This module serves as a registry for your Mustache templates. It is capable of automatically going through DOM in the browser and creating a dictionary of templates. You can then easily render these by calling antennae.render(templateName, optionalTemplateData).


antennae is available as an NPM module. To install it please run

$ npm install --save antennae

from your project root folder.


The usage generally consist of two phases - template registration and template rendering.

Template registration

There are two basic ways of registering templates using antennae.

Parsing templates from DOM

This is the major use case for this module. antennae will traverse your DOM looking for <script> tags with type set to text/html or x-tmpl-mustache. These templates will be registered on antennae object using the data-name or id attribute of the corresponding <script> tag.

An example of this are the following templates:

<script type="text/html" data-name="my-template">
    Hello {{name}}!

<script type="text/html" id="my-template">
    Hello {{name}}!

<script type="x-tmpl-mustache" id="my-template">
    Hello {{name}}!

The following templates will cause antennae to throw an error since the data-name and id attributes are missing:

<script type="text/html">
    Hello {{name}}!

And finally this template will be ignored completely since the type is incorrect:

<script type="text/x-html-teplate" data-name="my-temlate">
    Hello {{name}}!

You can also use <![CDATA]]> markup elements if you need the HTML to be XML parseable (for example when using Petal template engine on your server):

<!-- This template -->
<script type="text/html" id="my-template">
    <input {{#disabled}}disabled="disabled"{{/disabled}}/>

<!-- Is in effect the same as this one -->
<script type="text/html" id="my-template">
    <input {{#disabled}}disabled="disabled"{{/disabled}}/>

To explicitly exclude an otherwise valid template you can set data-antennae-ignore HTML attribute on a <script> tag to any non-empty value:

<script type="text/html" id="my-template" data-antennae-ignore="true">
    Hello {{name}}!

If you want the templates to be automatically loaded after DOM is loaded you can require antennae/lib/autoload instead. This feature requires browser support for document.addEventListener and DOMContentLoaded event (IE9+):

// In your script file
// Do not forget to execute the autoload module!

// You can optionally pass a hash of options to this function
var options = { processTemplate: function() { ... } };

If you want to load the templates from DOM yourself you can use the antennae.load() method:

// In your script file
var antennae = require('antennae');

// Then when your DOM is ready

// You can optionally pass a hash of options to this function
var options = { processTemplate: function() { ... } };

Manually registering templates

This is also possible and can be used with dynamically loaded templates for example.

The following snippet demonstrates this usage:

// In your script file
var antennae = require('antennae');

var templateName = 'my-template';
var templateString = 'Hello {{name}}!';

antennae.register(templateName, templateString);

Template rendering

This process is very easy and straightforward:

// In your script file
var antennae = require('antennae');

// Your template registration code here...

// And finally the actual rendering
var rendered = antennae.render('my-template', { name: 'world' });


antennae.load(Object options) Parses DOM and looks for <script> tags with type set to text/html. The templates from these tags are registered under names obtained from either data-name or id attributes of these script tags. The only supported option is processTemplate:

Function processTemplate(String templateString, String name, HTMLScriptElement tag) allows you to make adjustments to template string after it is retrieved from HTML and before it is registered. You can use this hook to replace HTML entities etc.

antennae.has(String name) Checks whether a template with specified name was registered. Returns boolean true or false.

antennae.get(String name) Returns a registered template or throws an error if there is no template registered under name.

antennae.register(String name, String template) Registers a template. Note that manual registration does not perform <![CDATA[]]> removal. Returns the antennae object.

antennae.clear() Unregisters all the templates. Returns antennae object.

antennae.render(String name[, Object data]) Renders a template registered under the specified name. Throws an error if no such template was registered. Returns rendered template as a String.


This project was inspired by ICanHaz.js module that unfortunately did not meet my requirements.

npm i antennae


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jan Jakub Nanista
  • released 7/7/2016

