
Angular2 Datepicker | Native implementation of air-datepicker

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Angular2 Air Datepicker

Lightweight, customizable, cross-browser Angular2 datepicker. Native implementation of air-datepicker.


npm i angular2-air-datepicker -S  



<air-datepicker [airOptions]="options" [(airDate)]="date"></air-datepicker>  

While you can use two way binding with airDate, it's recommended you listen to the airChange event for new values.

<air-datepicker [airOptions]="options" (airChange)="dateChanged($event)"></air-datepicker>  

The default value for airDate is null (no date selected). You can get the new selected date by passing $event to your handler function.

<air-datepicker [airOptions]="{ timepicker: true, format12h: true }" [airDate]="date" (airChange)="dateChanged($event)"></air-datepicker>  

You can set the options directly.


import { Component } from '@angular/core';  
    selector: 'my-component',  
    templateUrl: './my.template.html'  
export class MyComponent {  
    options: any = { timepicker: true, format12h: true };  
    date: Date = new Date;  
    dateChanged (date) {  


import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";  
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';  
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { Angular2AirDatepickerModule } from 'angular2-air-datepicker';

import { MyComponent } from "./my.component";
    imports: [  
    declarations: [  
export class HomeModule {}  

AirDatepicker requires CommonModule and FormsModule to be imported, either in your current module or your SharedModule


  • timepicker: boolean = false;

Display the time picker (hour & minute).

  • format12h: boolean = false;

For the timepicker, switch to a 12 hour format (AM/PM).

  • language: string = 'en';

Choose a language for localization (currently available: cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, hu, it, jp, nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, zh).

  • hourStep: number = 1;

The number of hours the hour slider will move at a time when dragged.

  • minuteStep: number = 1;

The number of minutes the minute slider will move at a time when dragged.

  • range: bool = false;
<air-datepicker [airOptions]="{ range: true }" [airDate]="date" (airChange)="dateChanged()" [airEndDate]="endDate" (airEndChange)="endDateChanged()"></air-datepicker>  

Note: airDate and airEndDate are optional, but if you do set them, you should always use single way binding in tandem with the respective events (airEndDate doesn't support two way binding).

  • enabledDateRanges: DateRange[];

An array of date ranges (objects with start and end Date properties), that defines which dates are selectable. This works both as a minDate/maxDate option, as well as a selective date enabler/disabler.

const now =;  
const days = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;  
const options = {  
 enabledDateRanges: [  
  { start: new Date(now - 3 * days), end: new Date(now + 2 * days) },  
  { start: new Date(now + 4 * days), end: new Date(now + 7 * days) }  

Note: You'll usually want to set the start and end dates to the start and end of the day (00:00, 23:59), not doing so may result in unintended behaviors in non GMT timezones, unless you know what you're doing. The timepicker option is currently not supported.
Hint: If you only need a minDate, just set one DateRange with the end set to a very distant date.


Build and Development

git clone
cd angular2-air-datepicker
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
ng build
ng serve angular2-air-datepicker-app

The library is the main project, you can build it with ng build and run the tests with ng test (requires chrome). The angular2-air-datepicker-app project is a test app you can use to test the library and any changes you might have made to it. You'll need to rebuild the library after any change or use ng build --watch in another terminal window or tab.

Note: The src/package.json needs to have its version changed manually (before npm version <type>, for deployment purposes; the actual deployment is done automatically on every push to master). Same for the src/ There's a better way to do this, but not this day!

Differences from the original:

  • A Date Object is used as input/output; The developer is responsible for potentially displaying and formatting the selected date;
  • The first day of the week is always Monday;
  • The default language is English;
  • The language options are heavily simplified (names only for days, minDays and months);

To be implemented:

  • input + tooltip version; (only the div based datepicker is currently available)
  • multiple date selection;


With 2.x out, this package's development may be at an end. I may not be able to continue maintaining and updating it 😔 Although many of the remaining features have been implemented, bugs have been squashed and testing done, this means that any new changes you may require will need to be done by you, whether through a fork or a new project.

On the bright side, I expect it will continue working for a long time in its current state 😄 or with some slight adjustment at some point 🤔

If someone creates a new home for this project at some point, please keep an eye on the issues here for a while, directing people to a more up-to-date version 😉


A big thank you to t1m0n/air-datepicker for making this possible with a fantastic datepicker design! And to those who take up the torch to keep it updated! 🎉


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 11/10/2016

