
An Angular JS plugin to compare and show object differences.


An Angular JS plugin to compare and show object differences in JSON format. Demo



with bower

bower install angular-object-diff --save
<link type="text/css" href="bower_components/dist/angular-object-diff.css" rel='stylesheet'>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/dist/angular-object-diff.js"></script>

or with npm

npm i angular-object-diff

Available methods on ObjectDiff service

setOpenChar: set the opening character for the view, default is {

setCloseChar: set the closing character for the view, default is }

diff: compare and build all the difference of two objects including prototype properties

diffOwnProperties: compare and build the difference of two objects taking only its own properties into account

toJsonView: format a diff object to a full JSON formatted object view

toJsonDiffView: format a diff object to a JSON formatted view with only changes

objToJsonView: format any javascript object to a JSON formatted view

Available filters

toJsonView: format a diff object to a full JSON formatted object view

toJsonDiffView: format a diff object to a JSON formatted view with only changes

objToJsonView: format any javascript object to a JSON formatted view


Declare the dependency

angular.module('myModule', ['ds.objectDiff']);

Inject the service

    .controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'ObjectDiff', function($scope, ObjectDiff){
        $scope.yourObjectOne = {//all your object attributes and values here};
        $scope.yourObjectTwo = {//all your object attributes and values here};

        // This is required only if you want to show a JSON formatted view of your object without using a filter
        $scope.yourObjectOneJsonView = ObjectDiff.objToJsonView($scope.yourObjectOne);
        $scope.yourObjectTwoJsonView = ObjectDiff.objToJsonView($scope.yourObjectTwo);

        // you can directly diff your objects js now or parse a Json to object and diff
        var diff = ObjectDiff.diffOwnProperties($scope.yourObjectOne, $scope.yourObjectTwo);
        // you can directly diff your objects including prototype properties and inherited properties using `diff` method
        var diffAll = ObjectDiff.diff($scope.yourObjectOne, $scope.yourObjectTwo);

        // gives a full object view with Diff highlighted
        $scope.diffValue = ObjectDiff.toJsonView(diff);
        // gives object view with onlys Diff highlighted
        $scope.diffValueChanges = ObjectDiff.toJsonDiffView(diff);

Bind the variables directly in your html using the ng-bind-html angular directive. Use a <pre> element for better results

<pre ng-bind-html="diffValue"></pre>
<pre ng-bind-html="diffValueChanges"></pre>
<pre ng-bind-html="yourObjectOneJsonView"></pre>
<pre ng-bind-html="yourObjectTwoJsonView"></pre>

The same can be done with filters as well

    .controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'ObjectDiff', function($scope, ObjectDiff){
        $scope.yourObjectOne = {//all your object attributes and values here};
        $scope.yourObjectTwo = {//all your object attributes and values here};

        // you can directly diff your objects js now or parse a Json to object and diff
        var diff = ObjectDiff.diffOwnProperties($scope.yourObjectOne, $scope.yourObjectTwo);
        // you can directly diff your objects including prototype properties and inherited properties using `diff` method
        var diffAll = ObjectDiff.diff($scope.yourObjectOne, $scope.yourObjectTwo);

Bind the variables directly in your html using the ng-bind-html angular directive. Use a <pre> element for better results

<pre ng-bind-html="diffValue | toJsonView"></pre>
<pre ng-bind-html="diffValueChanges | toJsonDiffView"></pre>
<pre ng-bind-html="yourObjectOneJsonView | objToJsonView"></pre>
<pre ng-bind-html="yourObjectTwoJsonView | objToJsonView"></pre>

Inspired from


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Deepu K Sasidharan
  • released 1/1/2016

