
Graph generator for entier npm registry
npm ngraph graph


Graph generator of entire npm registry. See actual visualization here: NPM Universe

npm march 2014

Use mouse wheel to zoom in/zoom out.

how to use it?

  1. Download npm metadata using file. If you don't have wget simply save response to byField file. I do not list url directly here, since response is huge (~122MB).
  2. Convert response to graph: node convertToGraph.js byField > graph.out
  3. Run layouter: node layout.js graph.out. This will take you a while. Layouter saves each 60th iteration into a .pos file. NOTE Quad tree has a bug which makes it stuck in infinite loop. See referenced issue for a temporary workaround.
  4. Once you get 100-200 iterations saved (takes approximately 3-4 hours) you can cancel layouter (ctrl + c).
  5. Flatten the graph into data file: node flatten.js byField 100.pos > graph.js

Now graph.js contains information about graph nodes/positions. Each element in the array represents a node:

{"id":"pkgName","pos":{"x":-63,"y":681},"a":"Author","d":[dependency1, dependency2, ...]}

The format is targeted to miminize file size. It could be made even smaller via binary adjacency list. For now I keep it human readable.



npm i allnpm


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Andrei Kashcha
  • released 3/15/2014

