
convert from/to binary, octal, hexadecimal, decimal values
base converter base binary hexadecimal decimal octal converter conversion radix and 1 more...

All your base

Convert from one base to another


npm install all-your-base

Install as command line tool

npm link from your local repo's root. The executable is named ayb.


Use this in your own scripts and/or as a quick stand-alone command-line tool.

From a script

var ayb = require('all-your-base');

// convert 'abcdef', from base-16 to base-2
ayb.parseInt('abcdef', 16, 2)

// Or directly call the conversion methods

From command line

First, type npm link from your local repo's root directory. The executable is named ayb. Name a method & space separate your arguments.

$ ayb parseInt 65536 10 16
$ ayb hexToDec 10000

Supported bases

base/radix name module's abbr.
base 2 binary bin
base 8 octal oct
base 10 decimal dec
base 16 hexadecimal hex

List of all operations

Here's an exhaustive list for your reference.


The native parseInt method will let you convert another base to base-10. But the one provided in this module will let you convert to another base. It's merely a wrapper for the other conversion methods.

  • ayb.parseInt(value, fromBase, toBase)
    • value, String. The value in the base you want to convert.
    • fromBase, Number. Specify the base you are converting from.
      • If you are using a script & pass in undefined, then it is assumed you are converting from base-10
    • toBase, Number.Specify the base you are converting to.
      • If you don't pass in anything, then it is assumed you are converting from base-10.

For the following methods, pass in a numerical as a string.

From binary
  • binToDec
  • binToHex
  • binToOct
From octal
  • octToDec
  • octToBin
  • octToHex
From decimal
  • decToBin
  • decToHex
  • decToOct
From hexadecimal
  • hexToDec
  • hexToBin
  • hexToOct

The pattern: [old]To[New]
[old] is the first three letters of the base you are converting from.
[New] is the first three letters of the base to convert to.

Notice, the function name is lowerCamelCased.

Helpful links

Learn more about different bases.

npm i all-your-base


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Rafael Espinoza
  • released 9/16/2015

