
Create Alexa skills for the Amazon Echo, easily.
alexa amazon echo lambda skill


Easily create Alexa Skills to run on AWS Lambda using ES6 classes and ES7 decorators.

Try it in the online playground or create your own Alexa skill with the Yeoman generator.

Custom Skill Example

import { Skill, Intent, Launch } from 'alexa-annotations';
import { ask, say, card } from 'alexa-response';
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';

export default class Echo {

  launch(event) {
    return ask('Welcome to the example Echo skill! What would you like me to repeat?');

  echo({ sentence }, { request }) {
    return say(sentence).card({ title: 'Echo', content: sentence });

  help() {
    return ask('I repeat whatever you say to me! What would you like me to repeat?');

  @Intent('AMAZON.CancelIntent', 'AMAZON.StopIntent')
  stop() {
    return say('Goodbye');

  credits() {
    const url = '';
    return fetch(url).then(response => response.json()).then(({ name, author }) => {
      return say(`${name} was created by ${}`).card({ title: name, content: `Credits: ${} <${}> (${author.url})`});


Smart Home Skill Example

import { Skill, Discovery, TurnOn, TurnOff } from 'alexa-annotations';
import { devices, brightness } from './light-bulbs';

export default class SmartHome {

  discovery() {
    return devices();

  on(applianceId) {
    return brightness(applianceId, 100);

  off(applianceId) {
    return brightness(applianceId, 0);

Custom Annotations

You can also create your own custom annotations:

import { annotation } from 'alexa-annotations';

const PlaybackStarted = annotation(
    // Predicate to match the event
    ({ request = {} }) => request.type === 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackStarted',

    // Optionally transform the event to pass additional params to the handler
    ({ request = {} }) => request.token ? [JSON.parse(request.token)] : []

const AudioPlayerEvent = annotation(
    ({ request = {} }) => request.type && request.type.startsWith('AudioPlayer.'),
    ({ request = {} }) => request.type

class AudioSkill {

    onPlaybackStarted(token, event) {
        // Do something with token and event

    onAudioPlayerEvent(type, event) {
      switch (type) {
        case 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped':
          // Handle stopped event
        case 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackPaused':
          // Handle pause event
          // Handle other audio player event types

npm i alexa-annotations


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Cameron Hunter
  • released 8/3/2017

