
Alan's view for a given image
thegrid ecosystem:thegrid visualization view alan ai artificial intelligence canvas image and 2 more...

(WIP) Alan's View

a.k.a AI's View or Terminator's View, is pure canvas library to overlay measurement data on top of analysed images.

An online demo is available. Also check examples/ and examples/fixtures.json for an example of input data.

Terminator's view


Having some properties/features extracted from a given image:

props =
  src: ''
    colors: ...
    saliency: ...
    histogram: ...

We can setup AlanView to draw those features into a given canvas:

view = new AlanView
  canvas: document.getElementById 'some-canvas'
  maxWidth: 500
  maxHeight: 300

view.draw props

Should give something like:


It is also possible to hide layers:

view = new AlanView
  canvas: document.getElementById 'some-canvas'
  maxWidth: 500
  maxHeight: 300
  noCircle: true
  noSceneFading: true
  noColors: true

view.draw props

Those are the options available:

  • noSaliency: hides the salient region bounding box
    • noPolygon: hides the polygon around the salient region
    • noCircle: hides the circle around the salient region
  • noFaces: hides faces bounding boxes
    • noFaceConfidence: hide confidence levels for faces
  • noScene: hides scene bounding box
    • noSceneFading: hides the fading bounding box around scene
  • noLines: hides rows/columns bounding boxes
  • noColors: hides the color palette
  • noTextregions: hides textual regions
  • noBackground: do not clean the background (good for overlays)

Information displayed



  • Color palettes: 5 circles at top-left
  • Salient region: white bounding box
  • Salient polygon: white shape with no opacity
  • Salient circle: white circle
  • Scene region: green bounding box
  • Lines (columns/rows): red bounding boxes around scene region
  • Faces: blue bounding boxes around each face
  • Text regions: blue bounding boxes around textual regions


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Vilson Vieira
  • released 6/2/2015

