
ak-theme webcomponent
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The ak-theme component allows you to define theme variables for components that can affect how they look and feel.

Example theme

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Using the component


The ak-theme package exports the Theme Skate component.

Import the component in your JS resource:


import 'ak-theme';

Now you can use the defined tag in your HTML markup:


  <script src="bundle.js"></script>
  <!-- ... -->

or from within another JavaScript resource:

import Theme from 'ak-theme';

const component = new Theme();


This is a standard web component, if you want to use it in your React app, use the Skate.js React integration.

import Theme from 'ak-theme';
import reactify from 'skatejs-react-integration';

const ReactComponent = reactify(Theme, {});

ReactDOM.render(<ReactComponent />, container);

Theming components

Theming is a two-part process:

  1. Declaring a theme.

  2. Make a component themeable.

How to declare a theme

If you want to theme a component, declare a theme and specify some variables:

<ak-theme id="my-component">
  <ak-theme-var name="background" value="blue" />
  <ak-theme-var name="text" value="white" />

This example declares a theme for a component called my-component and exposes two variables:

  1. background
  2. text

How to make a themeable component

To make a component able to be themed, use the themeable() function that is exported from ak-theme.

import { define } from 'skatejs';
import { themeable } from 'ak-theme';

export default define('my-component', themeable({
  render(elem) {
    return (
        background-color: {elem.themeVars.background}

The function themeable() does several things for you:

  1. themeVars are always populated with the corresponding theme's variables.
  2. themeVars is updated if the theme is updated.
  3. themeVars is updated if the component's theme is changed.

When using themeable() you only have to worry about rendering your component based on some theme variables.

How to set a component's theme

A themeable component's theme is a theme that has an id that matches its tag name. However, if you need to change the theme a component should have, you can set its themeName property. This property is also reflected, so you can use the theme-name attribute just the same.

This is handy when the display of a particular component may changes depending on the parent's context.

<ak-button>My button</ak-button>
  <ak-button theme-name="nav-button">Navigation button</ak-button>


themeName : string

The id of the theme the component should use. This defaults to the tag name of the component.

themeProps : string

The deserialised variables from the component's current theme. These are automatically kept in sync.

themeName : string

The id of the theme the component should use. This defaults to the tag name of the component.

Kind: global variable

themeProps : string

The deserialised variables from the component's current theme. These are automatically kept in sync.

Kind: global variable

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npm i ak-theme


