
ak-button webcomponent
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Buttons are used as triggers for actions. They are used in forms, toolbars, dialog footers and as stand-alone action triggers.

Example buttons

Example buttons

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npm install ak-button

Using the component


This package exports the ak-button React component.

Import the component in your React app as follows:

import Button from 'ak-button';
ReactDOM.render(<Button />, container);


Kind: global class

new Button()

Create instances of the Button component in a React context.

Button.appearance : string

Predefined appearances of an ak-button. One of: 'primary', 'default', 'subtle', 'compact', 'subtle-link'

Kind: static property of Button
Default: "'standard'"

Button.type : string

Type of the ak-button. One of: 'button', 'submit'.

Kind: static property of Button
Default: "button"

Button.href : string

href of the ak-button. If href is set, button will redirect to href url when clicked.

Kind: static property of Button
Default: "button"

Button.target : string

Standard target attribute for hyperlinks

Kind: static property of Button

Button.form : string

Standard HTML5 form attribute for buttons

Kind: static property of Button

Button.isDisabled : boolean

Option to disable button and every click event

Kind: static property of Button
Default: false

Button.spacing : string

Option to change button's padding. One of: 'none', 'compact', 'default'

Kind: static property of Button
Default: "'default'"

Button.isSelected : boolean

Option to make a button selected

Kind: static property of Button
Default: false

Button.theme : boolean

Option to make have a dark look and feel of a button.

Kind: static property of Button
Default: false

Button.iconBefore : element


Kind: static property of Button

Button.iconAfter : element


Kind: static property of Button

Button.className : string

Any additional classes to apply to the wrapper element.

Kind: static property of Button

Button.onClick : function

Generic onClick button handler

Kind: static property of Button

Button.tabIndex : number

HTML's attribute tab-index

Kind: static property of Button

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