
ak-blanket webcomponent

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The main purpose of the blanket component is to provide the overlay layer for components such as a modal dialog or a tooltip.

Example blanket

Try it out

Interact with a live demo of the ak-blanket component.


npm install ak-blanket

Using the component

Import the component in your React app as follows:

import Blanket from 'ak-blanket';
ReactDOM.render(<Blanket />, container);

There is an onBlanketClicked function prop, which is useful for hiding the blanket when the user clicks it.

No custom z-index style is applied, so make sure you put it into an appropriate DOM position.

For the purpose of simplicity blanket doesn't have any show/hide functionality. Since the main use of it suppose to be inside popup elements it would appear/disappear with the parent element.


Kind: global class

new Blanket()

A blanket which is placed over other page content

JS Example

import Blanket from 'ak-blanket';
ReactDOM.render(<Blanket />, container);

blanket.isTinted : Boolean

Whether the blanket has a tinted background color

Kind: instance property of Blanket
Default: false

blanket.onBlanketClicked : function

Handler function to be called when the blanket is clicked

Kind: instance property of Blanket

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