
Airbitz Shitcoin currency plugin

Airbitz Shitcoin Currency Plugin

Implement Shitcoin transactions using the Airbitz currency plugin API The API can be found here


Since this package is not on NPM, you will have to do things manually:

  1. Clone this project into a directory next to your project.

  2. Add to your project's package.json:

    cd ../your-project
    npm install git+ssh://[email protected]/Airbitz/airbitz-currency-dash.git


Initialize the plugin:

import { ShitcoinPlugin } from `airbitz-currency-dash`

  io: yourPlatformSpecifcIo
}).then(shitcoinPlugin => {


Now you can pass shitcoinPlugin to airbitz-core-js.

Developing the library

The following instructions are for those looking to develop this library or use it as a template to build a new currency-plugin for Airbitz.

  1. Install cli-tool, dependencies, & build the library:

    git clone [email protected]:Airbitz/airbitz-cli.git
    git clone [email protected]:Airbitz/airbitz-cli-react-native.git
    git clone [email protected]:Airbitz/airbitz-currency-shitcoin.git
    cd airbitz-currency-shitcoin
    npm install
    cd ../airbitz-cli
    npm install
    cd ../airbitz-cli-react-native
    npm install
    npm run updot

updot is a tool to copy needed files from peer dependencies into the node_modules of the project it is run in. This replaces the need for npm link which is broken in React Native. In this setup, it will copy airbitz-cli and airbitz-currency-shitcoin into airbitz-cli-react-native/node_modules. During development, run npm run updot after making any changes to airbitz-currency-shitcoin or airbitz-cli

The CLI mobile app uses React Native and iOS/Android. As of 2017-08-08, you will need to use iOS/Xcode to run the CLI tool. Install React Native first:

npm install -g create-react-native-app

Launch Xcode and open the project airbitz-cli-react-native/ios/airbitz_cli.xcodeproj.

Run the app in the simulator by clicking the Play button on xcode. You'll then have a mobile app launch in the simulator with a command line prompt to execute CLI commands. CLI command documentation can be seen by running airbitz-cli help from within the airbitz-cli project directory.

Example CLI commands:

Command Description
tx-info shitcoin Get the currencyInfo object from the plugin
tx-make-engine shitcoin 'wallet:shitcoin' Call makeEngine() method of the shitcoin plugin and createMasterKeys() with a wallet:shitcoin walletType
tx-start-engine Call startEngine() method of the plugin called in tx-make-engine
tx-balance DASH Call getBalance('TRD')
tx-get-address Call getAddress()
tx-spend 3_pub1091290ur28u3t 15000 TRD Spend 1.5 shitcoin to given address
tx-transactions Call getTransactions()

These CLI commands can be used to test the actual routines exported by the currency-plugin

npm i airbitz-currency-shitcoin


