
Setlist theme for the Aglio API Blueprint renderer
api blueprint protagonist snowcrash html parse markdown

Aglio Setlist Theme

NPM version License

This is the Setlist theme engine for Aglio. It is based off of the style of Apiary docs and forked from the default Aglio theme, Olio.

Example use:

$ npm install aglio-theme-setlist
$ aglio -i blueprint.apib -t setlist -o MyAPI.html

Theme Options

The theme comes with a handful of configurable theme options. These are set via the --theme-XXX parameter, where XXX is one of the following:

Name Description
condense-nav Whether to condense nagivation for resources with only a single action (default is true).
full-width Whether to use the full page width or a responsive layout (default is responsive).
style LESS or CSS to control the layout and style of the document using the variables from below. Can be a path to your own file or one of the following presets: default. May be an array of paths and/or presets.
template Jade template to render HTML. Can be a path to your own file or one of the following presets: default.
variables LESS variables that control theme colors, fonts, and spacing. Can be a path to your own file or one of the following presets: default, flatly, slate, cyborg. May be an array of paths and/or presets.

Note: When using this theme programmatically, these options are cased like you would expect in Javascript: --theme-full-width becomes options.themeFullWidth.


Copyright © 2016 Daniel G. Taylor

npm i aglio-theme-setlist


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Daniel G. Taylor
  • released 3/28/2018

