
ONLICAR theme for the Aglio API Blueprint renderer
api blueprint protagonist snowcrash html parse markdown

Aglio ONLICAR Lambda Theme

NPM version License

This is a lambda compatible ONLICAR theme engine for Aglio. It is based off of the style of Apiary docs and forked from the default Aglio theme, Olio.


Example use:

$ npm install aglio-theme-onlicar-lambda
$ aglio -i blueprint.apib -t onlicar -o MyAPI.html

Theme Options

The theme comes with a handful of configurable theme options. These are set via the --theme-XXX parameter, where XXX is one of the following:

Name Description
condense-nav Whether to condense nagivation for resources with only a single action (default is true).
full-width Whether to use the full page width or a responsive layout (default is responsive).
style LESS or CSS to control the layout and style of the document using the variables from below. Can be a path to your own file or one of the following presets: default. May be an array of paths and/or presets.
template Jade template to render HTML. Can be a path to your own file or one of the following presets: default.
variables LESS variables that control theme colors, fonts, and spacing. Can be a path to your own file or one of the following presets: default, flatly, slate, cyborg. May be an array of paths and/or presets.

Note: When using this theme programmatically, these options are cased like you would expect in Javascript: --theme-full-width becomes options.themeFullWidth.


Copyright © 2016 Daniel G. Taylor


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Daniel G. Taylor
  • released 4/10/2020

