
Like Underscore, but with zero callbacks and really more fun
client browser filter lodash underscore collection arrays objects

#Agile.js Build Status Coverage Status

Like Underscore, but with zero callbacks and really more fun, v0.0.2

#Get Started (1) You can install agile.js using 3 different methods:

  • clone & build this repository
  • via Bower: by running $ bower install agile from your terminal
  • via npm: by running $ npm install agile from your terminal
  • soon, cdnjs will be one of the options

(2) Add to your project:
For the Browser:
Include agile.js (or agile.min.js) in your index.html.

<script src="bower_components/agile/dist/agile.js"></script>

For Node Apps:

var _ = require('agile');

(3) Start Playing with agile.js:

var orders = [
  { id: 21, customer: { id: 2, name: 'John P.' }, product: { price: 21.12 }  },
  { id: 22, customer: { id: 1, name: 'Cati P.' }, product: { price: 89.21 }  },
  { id: 23, customer: { id: 1, name: 'Cati P.' }, product: { price: 49.00 }  },
  { id: 24, customer: { id: 3, name: 'Poul S.' }, product: { price: 10.22 }  },
  { id: 25, customer: { id: 4, name: 'Erik L.' }, product: { price: 11.31 }  },
  { id: 26, customer: { id: 4, name: 'Erik L.' }, product: { price: 90.99 }  },
  { id: 27, customer: { id: 2, name: 'Cati P.' }, product: { price: 88.99 }  }
_(orders)               // ArrayWrapper
  .map('product.price') // [21.12, 89.21, 49, 10.22, 11.31, 90.99, 88.99]
  .sum()                // 360.84
  .round()              // 361
  .add(10)              // 371
  .value();             // get the value;

#Collection ###after get a collection and specified count, and returns all of the items in the collection after the specified count.
Usage: _.after(array, count)

var users = [
    { name: 'foo' },
    { name: 'bar' },
    { name: 'baz' },
    { name: 'zap' }

_.after(users, 2);
// → [ { name: 'baz' }, { name: 'zap' } ]

###afterWhere get a collection and expression/callback, and returns all of the items in the collection after the first that return true, include it.
Usage: _.afterWhere(array, expression/callback)

var orders = [
    { id: 1, date: 'Tue Jul 15 2014' },
    { id: 2, date: 'Tue Jul 16 2014' },
    { id: 3, date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' },
    { id: 4, date: 'Tue Jul 18 2014' },
    { id: 5, date: 'Tue Jul 19 2014' }

_.afterWhere(orders, 'date == "Tue Jul 17 2014"');
// → [ orders[2], orders[3], orders[4] ]

_.afterWhere(orders, 'id > 3');
// → [ orders[3], orders[4] ]

_.afterWhere(orders, function(e) { 
    return > 3;
// → [ orders[3], orders[4] ]

###add add is similar to Array.push, but can get a multiple arguments, and return the array instead of the value.
Usage: _.add(array, args)

_.add([1,2,3], 4,5,6); // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

###before get a collection and specified count, and returns all of the items in the collection before the specified count.
Usage: _.before(array, count)

var users = [
    { name: 'foo' },
    { name: 'bar' },
    { name: 'baz' },
    { name: 'zap' }

_.before(users, 2);
// → [ { name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' } ]

###beforeWhere get a collection and expression/callback, and returns all of the items in the collection before the first that return true, including it.
Usage: _.beforeWhere(array, expression/callback)

var orders = [
    { id: 1, date: 'Tue Jul 15 2014' },
    { id: 2, date: 'Tue Jul 16 2014' },
    { id: 3, date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' },
    { id: 4, date: 'Tue Jul 18 2014' },
    { id: 5, date: 'Tue Jul 19 2014' }

_.beforeWhere(orders, 'date == "Tue Jul 17 2014"');
// → [ orders[0], orders[1], orders[2] ]

_.beforeWhere(orders, 'id < 3');
// → [ orders[0], orders[1] ]

_.beforeWhere(orders, function(e) { 
    return < 3;
// → [ orders[0], orders[1] ]

###contains Checks if given expression(or value) is present in one or more object in the array.
Usage: _.contains(array, expression/callback/value)
Aliases: _.some

var nums = [1,2,3,4];
_.contains(num, 2); 
// → true

var users = [
  { user: { id: 2, name: 'foo' } },
  { user: { id: 4, name: 'bar' } },
  { user: { id: 6, name: 'baz' } }
_.some(users, '!( % 2)');
// → true
_.some(users, '( > 5)');
// → false

###countBy Create an object composed of keys generated from the result of the running expression, each key is the count of objects in each group.
Usage: _.countBy(array, expression/callback)

var players = [
  {name: 'Gene',    team: { name: 'alpha' } },
  {name: 'George',  team: { name: 'beta'  } },
  {name: 'Steve',   team: { name: 'gamma' } },
  {name: 'Paula',   team: { name: 'beta'  } },
  {name: 'Scruath', team: { name: 'gamma' } }
_.countBy(players, '');
// → { alpha: 1, beta:  2, gamma:2 }

###defaults defaults allows to specify a default fallback value for properties that resolve to undefined.
Usage: _.defaults(array, object)

var orders = [
      { id:1, destination: { zip: 21908 }, name: 'Ariel M' },
      { id:2, name: 'John F' },
      { id:3, destination: { zip: 45841 } },
      { id:4, destination: { zip: 78612 }, name: 'Danno L' }
var fallback = {
      name: 'Customer name not available',
      destination: { zip: 'Pickup' }
_.defaults(orders, fallback);
// Results:
// [{ id: 1, destination: { zip: 21908 }, name: 'Ariel M' },
// { id: 2, destination: { zip: 'Pickup' }, name: 'John F'  },
// { id: 3, destination: { zip: 45841 }, name: 'Customer name not available' },
// { id: 4, destination: { zip: 78612 }, name: 'Danno L' }]

###every Checks if given expression/callback is present in all members in the array.
Usage: _.every(array, expression/callback)

var nums = [1,2,3,4];
_.every(num, 2); 
// → false

var users = [
  { id: 2, name: 'bob' } },
  { id: 4, name: 'bar' } },
  { id: 6, name: 'baz' } }
_.every(users, '!(id % 2)');
// → true
_.every(users, 'name.indexOf("ba") != -1');
// → false

###filter filter by expression/callback return all elements that return true, avoid the rest.
Usage: _.filter(array, expression/callback) Aliases: _.pick

var users = [
  { id: 1, user: { name: 'foo', isAdmin: true  } },
  { id: 2, user: { name: 'bar', isAdmin: false } },
  { id: 3, user: { name: 'baz', isAdmin: true  } }
_.pick(users, 'user.isAdmin');
// → [ users[0], users[2] ]

###find Iterate over the given array and return the first member that the expression returns truthy for.
Usage: _.find(array, expression/callback)

var orders = [
  { id: 21, product: { price: 21.12 }, auth: ['3s!sa0'] },
  { id: 22, product: { price: 89.21 }, auth: ['@3dRg1'] },
  { id: 23, product: { price: 49.00 }, auth: ['a44Fy+'] },
  { id: 24, product: { price: 10.22 }, auth: ['WS4%a0'] },
  { id: 25, product: { price: 11.31 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] }
_.find(orders, 'product.price > 50'); 
// → { id: 22, product: { price: 89.21 }, auth: ['@3dRg1'] }

_.find(orders, 'auth.indexOf("7Y#d_1") !== -1');
// → { id: 25, product: { price: 11.31 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] }

_.find(orders, '!(id%2)');
// → { id: 22, product: { price: 89.21 }, auth: ['@3dRg1'] }

###findLast Iterate over the given array and return the last member that the expression returns truthy for.
Usage: _.findLast(array, expression/callback)

var orders = [
  { id: 21, product: { price: 21.12 }, auth: ['3s!sa0'] },
  { id: 22, product: { price: 89.21 }, auth: ['@3dRg1'] },
  { id: 23, product: { price: 49.00 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] },
  { id: 24, product: { price: 10.22 }, auth: ['WS4%a0'] },
  { id: 25, product: { price: 91.31 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] }
_.findLast(orders, 'product.price > 50'); 
// → { id: 25, product: { price: 91.31 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] }

_.findLast(orders, 'auth.indexOf("7Y#d_1") !== -1');
// → { id: 25, product: { price: 91.31 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] }

_.findLast(orders, '!(id%2)');
// → { id: 24, product: { price: 10.22 }, auth: ['WS4%a0'] }

###findIndex Iterate over the given array and return the index of the first member that the expression returns truthy for.
Usage: _.findIndex(array, expression/callback)

var orders = [
  { id: 21, product: { price: 21.12 }, auth: ['3s!sa0'] },
  { id: 22, product: { price: 89.21 }, auth: ['@3dRg1'] },
  { id: 23, product: { price: 49.00 }, auth: ['a44Fy+'] },
  { id: 24, product: { price: 10.22 }, auth: ['WS4%a0'] },
  { id: 25, product: { price: 11.31 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] }
_.findIndex(orders, 'product.price > 50');            // → 1
_.findIndex(orders, 'auth.indexOf("7Y#d_1") !== -1'); // → 4

###findLastIndex Iterate over the given array and return the index of the last member that the expression returns truthy for.
Usage: _.findLastIndex(array, expression/callback)

var orders = [
  { id: 21, product: { price: 21.12 }, auth: ['3s!sa0'] },
  { id: 22, product: { price: 89.21 }, auth: ['@3dRg1'] },
  { id: 23, product: { price: 49.00 }, auth: ['a44Fy+'] },
  { id: 24, product: { price: 90.22 }, auth: ['a44Fy+'] },
  { id: 25, product: { price: 11.31 }, auth: ['7Y#d_1'] }
_.findLastIndex(orders, 'product.price > 50');             // → 3
_.findLastIndex(orders, 'auth.indexOf("a44Fy+") !== -1');  // → 3

###first Gets the first element or first n elements of an array.
if expression is provided, is returns as long the expression return truthy.
Usage: See below

var users = [
  { id: 1, user: { name: 'foo', isAdmin: true  } },
  { id: 2, user: { name: 'bar', isAdmin: false } },
  { id: 3, user: { name: 'baz', isAdmin: true  } }
// Returns the first user
// → { id: 1, user: { name: 'foo', isAdmin: true  } }

// Return the first user whose not `admin`
_.first(users, '!user.isAdmin');
// → [{ id: 2, user: { name: 'bar', isAdmin: false } }]

// Returns the first 2 users
_.first(users, 2);
// → [users[0], users[1]]

// Returns the first 2 `admin` users 
_.first(users, 2, 'user.isAdmin');
// → [users[0], users[2]]

###flatten Flattens a nested array (the nesting can be to any depth).
if shallow set to true, the array will only be flattened a one level. Usage: _.flatten(array, shallow[optional])

_.flatten(['out', ['out', ['in']], ['out', 'out', ['in', 'in']], ['out', 'out']], true);
// → ['out', 'out', ['in'], 'out', 'out', ['in', 'in'], 'out', 'out']

_.flatten([[], 1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9, [10, 11, [12, [[[[[13], [[[[14, 15]]]]]]]]]]]]]));
// → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

###groupBy Get a collection, expression/callback and return an object composed of keys generated from the result of running each members in the collection on the expression.
each key is an array contains the results members.
Usage: _.groupBy(array, expression)

var players = [
  {name: 'Gene',    team: { name: 'alpha' } },
  {name: 'George',  team: { name: 'beta'  } },
  {name: 'Steve',   team: { name: 'gamma' } },
  {name: 'Paula',   team: { name: 'beta'  } },
  {name: 'Scruath', team: { name: 'gamma' } }
_.groupBy(players, '');
// { 
//  alpha: [{name: 'Gene',    team: { name: 'alpha' } }],
//  betta: [{name: 'George',  team: { name: 'beta'  } }, {name: 'Paula',   team: { name: 'beta'  } }],
//  gamma: [{name: 'Steve',   team: { name: 'gamma' } }, {name: 'Scruath', team: { name: 'gamma' } }]
// }

###last Gets the last element or last n elements of an array.
if expression is provided, is returns as long the expression return truthy.
Usage: See below

var users = [
  { id: 1, user: { name: 'foo', isAdmin: true  } },
  { id: 2, user: { name: 'bar', isAdmin: false } },
  { id: 3, user: { name: 'baz', isAdmin: false } },
  { id: 4, user: { name: 'zak', isAdmin: true  } }
// Returns the last user
// → { id: 4, user: { name: 'zak', isAdmin: true  } }

// Return the last user whose not `admin`
_.last(users, '!user.isAdmin');
// → [{ id: 3, user: { name: 'baz', isAdmin: false } }]

// Returns the last 2 users
_.last(users, 2);
// → [users[2], users[3]]

// Returns the last 2 `admin` users 
_.last(users, 2, 'user.isAdmin');
// → [users[0], users[3]]

###map Returns a new Array with the results of each expression execution.
Usage:, expression)
Aliases: _.pluck

var users = [
  { id:1, user: { name: 'Foo' } },
  { id:2, user: { name: 'Bar' } },
  { id:3, user: { name: 'Baz' } }
];, '');
// → ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz'], 'id <= 2 ? id : 0')
// → [1, 2, 0]

###max Find and return the largest number in a given array.
if an expression is provided, will return max value by expression.
Usage: _.max(array)

_.max([1,2,3,4,7,8,9]) // → 9

//By expression
var users = [
  { name: 'foo', score: 89 },
  { name: 'bar', score: 32 },
  { name: 'baz', score: 49 }
_.max(users, 'score'); // → { name: 'foo', score: 89 }

//Chaining example
var users = [
  { player: { ... }, score: 891 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 121 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 641 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 491 }
  .value() // → 891

###min Find and return the lowest number in a given array.
if an expression is provided, will return min value by expression.
Usage: _.min(array)

_.min([1,2,3,4,7,8,9]) // → 1

//By expression
var users = [
  { user: { score: 197 } },
  { user: { score: 212 } },
  { user: { score: 978 } },
  { user: { score: 121 } }
_.min(users, 'user.score') // → { user: { score: 121 } }

//Chaining example
var users = [
  { player: { ... }, score: 891 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 121 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 641 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 491 }
  .value() // → 121

###omit Get an array, and return a new array without the omitted members(by expression).
Usage: _.omit(array, expression)

var users = [
  { id: 1, name: 'foo' },
  { id: 2, name: 'bar' },
  { id: 3, name: 'baz' }
_.omit(users, 'id > 2 && !name.indexOf("ba")');
// → [{ id: 1, name: 'foo' }, { id: 2, name: 'bar' }]

###orderBy Orders a specified array by the expression predicate.
It is ordered alphabetically for strings and numerically for numbers.
Usage: _.orderBy(array, expression/callback, reverse[optional])
Aliases: _.sortBy

var orders = [
  { id: 1, product: { price: 21.12 }, date: new Date('01/01/2014') },
  { id: 2, product: { price: 99.21 }, date: new Date('01/01/2014') },
  { id: 3, product: { price: 99.90 }, date: new Date('01/01/2013') },
  { id: 4, product: { price: 99.99 }, date: new Date('01/01/1970') }

_.orderBy(orders, 'date');
// → [orders[3], orders[2], orders[1], orders[0]];

_.orderBy(orders, '+product.price');
// → [orders[0], orders[1], orders[2], orders[3]];

_.orderBy(orders, '-product.price');
// → [orders[3], orders[2], orders[1], orders[0]]

_.orderBy(orders, ['-date', '-id']);
// → [orders[1], orders[0], orders[2], orders[3]]

_.orderBy([5,1,4,3,2]);           // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
_.orderBy([5,1,4,3,2], '-');      // → [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
.orderBy([5,1,4,3,2], '-', true); // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// sort by multiple arguments
_.orderBy([{a:1, b:10}, {a:1, b:4}, {a:0, b:5}], ['a', 'b']);
// → [{ a:0, b:5 }, { a:1, b:4 }, { a:1, b:10 }]

###remove remove specific members from array by equality.
Usage: _.remove(array, args)

var collection = [
  { name: 'bar' },
  { name: 'foo' },
  null, 1
_.remove(collection, { name: 'foo' }, null, 1);
// → [{ name: 'bar' }]

###reverse Reverses a string or array(doesn't change the source array).
Usage: _.reverse(array/string)

_.reverse([1,2,3]) // → [3, 2, 1]
_.reverse('agile') // → eliga

###sum Sum up all values within an array.
Usage: _.sum(array)

_.sum([1,2,3,4,5]) // → 15

//Chainig example
var scores = [
  { player: { ... }, score: 891 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 121 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 641 },
  { player: { ... }, score: 491 }
  .value(); // → 2144

###unique Get an array and filter duplicate members.
if expression is provided it's filters by this expression as unique identifier.
Usage: _.unique(array, expression[optional])
Aliases: uniq

// → [12, 3, 4, 5, 6]

var orders = [
  { id:1, customer: { name: 'John',    id: 10 } },
  { id:2, customer: { name: 'William', id: 20 } },
  { id:3, customer: { name: 'John',    id: 10 } },
  { id:4, customer: { name: 'William', id: 20 } },
  { id:5, customer: { name: 'Clive',   id: 30 } }
_.unique(orders, '');
// Results:
// [{ id:1, customer: { name: 'John',    id: 10 } },
//  { id:2, customer: { name: 'William', id: 20 } },
//  { id:5, customer: { name: 'Clive',   id: 30 } }]

//Chaining Example:
  .join(', ')
  .value(); // → John, William, Clive

###xor Exclusive or filter by expression.
Usage: _.xor(arr1, arr2, expression[optional])

_.xor([2,3,4], [3,4,5]);
// → [2, 5]

//Example with expression:
var users1 = [
  { id: 0, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'bar' } }, 
  { id: 1, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'baz' } },
  { id: 2, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'bag' } }
var users2 = [
  { id: 3, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'bar' } },
  { id: 4, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'baz' } }
_.xor(users1, users2, 'details.last_name');
// → [{ id: 2, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'bag' } }]

#Object ###toArray Convert objects into stable arrays.
if addKey set to true,the filter also attaches a new property $key to the value containing the original key that was used in the object we are iterating over to reference the property.
Usage: _.toArray(object, boolean[optional])

var users = {
  0: { name: 'Ariel', age: 25 },
  1: { name: 'Dan',   age: 21 },
  2: { name: 'John',  age: 31 }
// → [{name:'Ariel', age:25}, {name:'Dan', age:21}, {name:'John', age:31}]

//Chaining example
  Ariel: { age: 25 },
  Dan  : { age: 21 },
  John : { age: 31 }
  .value(); // → [{$key:'Ariel', age:25}, {$key:'Dan', age:21}, {$key:'John', age:31}]

###keys Creates an array composed of the own enumerable property names of an object.
if nested set to true, it will return the properties in a recursively nested style(used mainly with parse.setter, parse.getter).
Usage: _.keys(object, nested[optional])

var user = { 
  name: 'Ariel M', 
  age: 26, 
  permissions: { isAdmin: true }, 
  details: { address: { city: 'Tel Aviv', zip: 61019 } }
// → ['name', 'age', 'permissions', 'details']

_.keys(user, true);
// → ['name', 'age', 'permissions.isAdmin', '', '']

###parse Convert expression into function.
Usage: _.parse(expression)
Returns: Function(context, local)
context: an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings are evaluated against.
local: local variables context object, useful for overriding values in context.
Note: The returned function also has the following properties:
literal : whether the expression's top-level node is a JavaScript literal.
constant: whether the expression is made entirely of JavaScript constant literals.
assign : {?function(context, value)} – if the expression is assignable, this will be set to a function to change its value on the given context.

//Simple getter / setter functions
var user = { 
  name: 'Ariel M.', 
  age : 26, 
  details: { address: { city: 'Tel Aviv', zip: 61019 } }
var nameGetter = _.parse('name');
var nameSetter = nameGetter.assign;

nameGetter(user); // → 'Ariel M.'
nameSetter(user, 'Dan T.');
nameGetter(user); // → 'Dan T.'

//Example use local(override) object
var local = {
  age: 50,
  sayHello: function(name, age) { 
    return 'Hello ' + name + ' I\'m '+ age + ' years old.' 
_.parse('sayHello(name, age)')(user, local);
// → Hello Ariel M. I'm 50 years old.

_.parse('[1,2]').literal    // → true
_.parse('[1 + 1]').constant // → true
_.parse('[x + 1]').constant // → false

#String ###endsWith return whether string ends with the ends parameter.
Usage: _.endsWith(string, end, case-sensitive[optional])

_.endsWith('image.JPG', '.jpg'); // → true

_.endsWith('image.JPG', '.jpg', true); // → false

###ltrim Left trim. Similar to trim, but only for left side.
Usage: _.ltrim(string, chars[optional])

_.ltrim('   foo   ') // → 'foo   '
_.ltrim('barfoobar', 'bar') // → 'foobar'

###rtrim Reft trim. Similar to trim, but only for right side.
Usage: _.rtrim(string, chars[optional])

_.rtrim('   foo   ') // → '   foo'
_.rtrim('barfoobar', 'bar') // → 'barfoo'

###repeat Repeats a string n times(fast).
Usage: _.repeat(string, n)

_.repeat('*',10); // → '**********'
_.repeat('foo');  // → 'foo'

###slugify Transform text into a URL slug. Replaces whitespaces, with dash("-") or given argument.
Usage: _.slugify(input, sub[optional])

_.slugify('Some string with spaces'); // → 'some-string-with-spaces'
_.slugify('Some string with hashtags', '#'); // → 'some#string#with#hashtags'

###startsWith return whether string starts with the starts parameter.
Usage: _.startsWith(str, case-sensitive[optional])

_.startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'Lor'); // → true

//Chaining example:
_('Lorem ipsum')
  .startsWith('lor', true); // → false

###stringular get string with {n} and replace matches with enumeration values.
Usage: _.stringular(str, args...)

_.stringular('lorem {0} dolor {1} amet', 'ipsum', 'sit'); 
// → 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

_.stringular('{3} {0} dolor {1} amet', 'ipsum', 'sit', null, 'lorem');
// → 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

###stripTags strip out html tags from string.
Usage: _.stripTags(string)

_.stripTags('<div id="fr" class="paragraph">foo<br/></div>');
// → 'foo'

//Chaining example
_('<p class="paragraph">Lorem Ipsum...</p>')
  .value(); // → 'Lorem Ipsum...'

###trim Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
Usage: _.trim(string, chars[optional])

_.trim('foobarfoo', 'foo'); // → 'bar'
_.trim('   foo   '); // → 'foo'

###truncate truncates a string given a specified length, providing a custom string to denote an omission.
Usage: _.truncate(str, length, suffix[optional], preserve[optinal])

var text = 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';

_.truncate(text, 13, '...', true); // → 'lorem ipsum dolor...'
_.truncate(text, 13, '...');       // → 'lorem ipsum d...'
_.truncate(text, 50, '...');       // → 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

###ucfirst upper case first char.
Usage: _.ucfirst(string)

_.ucfirst('ariel mashraki'); // → 'Ariel Mashraki'

//Chaining example
_(['ariel', 'dan', 'john'])
  .join(', ')
  .value(); // → 'Ariel, Dan, John'

###wrap Wrap a string with another string.
Usage: _.wrap(string, start, end[optional])

_.wrap('foo', 'bar');          // → 'barfoobar'
_.wrap('text', '<p>', '</p>'); // → '<p>text</p>'

//Chaining example:
_(['ariel', 'dan', 'john'])
  .join(', ')
  .wrap('Team members: ', ' ')
  .value(); // → 'Team members: Ariel, Dan, John'

#Utils ###copy Creates a recursive copy of source object into dest object, could be an object or an array.
Usage: _.copy(src, dst)

var a = [1,2,3, { a: 1, b: 2 }];
var b;
_.copy(a, b);

//Test result
_.equals(a, b); // → true

###dictionary Creates a new object without a prototype.
Usage: _.dictionary()

var map = _.dictionary();
console.log(map.toString); // → undefined

###equals Determines if two objects or two values are equivalent.
Usage: _.equals(o1, o2)

_.equals({}, {});                   // → true
_.equals(new Date(), new Date());   // → true
_.equals(/\//g, new RegExp(/\//g)); // → true

###extend Extends the destination object dst by copying own enumerable properties from the src object(s) to dst. You can specify multiple src objects.
Usage: _.extend(dst, arg...)

_.extend({a:1}, {b:2}, {a:3, c: 4}); // → {a: 3, b: 2, c: 4}

###identity identity function returns its first argument.
Usage: _.identity(val)

_.identity(1); // → 1

###forEach Invokes an iterator function once for each member in a collection(object, array).
The iterator function is invoked with (value, key/index, obj/array).
Usage: _.forEach(collection, iteratorFn, context[optional]); ###noop A function that performs no operations.
Usage: _.noop()

function fn(cb) {
 return (cb || _.noop)(args);
npm i agile


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.0
  • Ariel Mashraki
  • released 11/15/2014

