
A-Frame component to proxy keyboard/gamepad controls between devices over WebRTC.
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A-Frame proxy-controls Component

A-Frame component to proxy keyboard/gamepad controls between devices over WebRTC.


With a mobile device / Google Cardboard for WebVR, designing the UI around a single button is an obstacle. This component provides an experimental way to proxy user input events (keyboard, perhaps Leap Motion later) from a keyboard-connected device to the mobile viewer.

For performance, WebRTC DataStreams are used to minimize latency between the devices. Browser support for this standard is limited - notably, Safari (including all iPhone browsers) does not support it. I will consider adding fallback support via WebSockets in the future, if the latency is bearable.


Add the proxy-controls component to the scene, and use one of the input controller components on the object(s) you want to control. For example:

<a-scene proxy-controls>
  <a-entity id="player" gamepad-controls="controller: 2"></a-entity>

The gamepad-controls component is available separately, here.


Options are assigned with A-Frame's entity/component/property pattern:

<a-scene camera proxy-controls="enabled: true;
                                debug: true;
                                pairCode: 'my-secret-code';
                                enableOverlay: false;">

  <!-- scene content -->                                 
Property Default Description
enabled true Enables/disables event updates from the host.
debug false Enables/disables logging in the console.
proxyUrl URL of the remote proxy server / signaling server.
pairCode <random> Pair code that should be used to match with the remote host. If not provided, a random pair code is assigned.
enableOverlay true Enables/disables the overlay UI showing the pair code.
enableOverlayStyles true Enables/disables the CSS used to style the pair code overlay.


When the pair code is available, a proxycontrols.paircode event is fired. If you want to hide the default overlay, use this to show the pair code to the user as needed:

scene.addEventListener('proxycontrols.paircode', function (e) {
npm i aframe-proxy-controls


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Don McCurdy
  • released 3/4/2016

