
async flow control for calls with callbacks
Andras quick async fast recursion-safe flow control repeatUntil repeatWhile and 6 more...


simple, quick little serial flow control package

All functions run sequentially and stop immediately on error.


    npm install aflow
    npm test aflow


repeatUntil( repeatedFunc(cb), done(err, stoppedWithValue) )

Keep calling the repeated function until it returns a truthy value, then return that value via the callback. Stops looping on error. This call is recursion-safe, it periodically yields to the event loop with setImmediate(). The repeated call must call its callback, the loop will wait indefinitely and will not time out.

    var aflow = require('aflow');
    var count = 0;
        function repeated(cb) {
            count += 1;
            if (count < 10) cb(null, false);
            else cb(null, count);
        function whenDone(err, stoppingCount) {
            console.log("stoppingCount = %d, count = %d", stoppingCount, count);
            // => stoppingCount = 10, count = 10

repeatWhile( loopTest(), repeatedFunc(cb), done(err) )

Keep calling the repeated function as long as the loopTest() function returns truthy. loopTest() does not take arguments or a callback. Stops looping on error. Any value returned by the repeated function is ignored.

    var aflow = require('aflow');
    var count = 0;
        function loopTest() {
            return count < 10;
        function repeated(cb) {
            count += 1;
        function whenDone(err) {
            console.log("final count =", count);
            // => final count = 10

applyVisitor( items, visitorFunc(item, cb), done(err) )

Invoke the visitor function on each data item in turn. Stops on error and returns the error object. Does not return a value.

var aflow = require('aflow');
var visitedItems = [];
    function visitor(item, cb) {
        visitedItems.push(2 * item);
    function whenDone(err) {
        // visitedItems = [2,4,6,8];

iterate( functionList, done(err, ret1, ret2) )

Call each function on the list. The functions are passed three arguments, a callback and the first two returned values from the previous function called. An error will interrupt the flow. The when done callback will be called with the first two returned values from the last function. On error, the callback will be called with the error and the first two results returned by the call that produced the error (if the call returned results).

    var aflow = require('aflow');
    var args = [];
        function(cb, arg1, arg2) { args.push(arg1); args.push(arg2); cb(null, 1, 11); },
        function(cb, arg1, arg2) { args.push(arg1); args.push(arg2); cb(null, 2, 22,); },
        function(cb, arg1, arg2) { args.push(arg1); args.push(arg2); cb(null, 3, 33, 333); },
        function(err, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
            // args = [undefined, undefined, 1, 11, 2, 22, 3, 33, undefined]

reduce( items, subtotal, combineFunc(subtot, item, cb), done(err, total) )

Combine all data items with the subtotal using the given combine function. The result returned from the last combine function becomes the subtotal passed to the next next combine function. Stops processing on error and returns the subtotal so far. If a combiner function returs a defined subtotal along with an error object, that subtotal will be the final subtotal returned.

    var aflow = require('aflow');
        ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
        function concatenate(subtotal, item, cb) {
            cb(null, subtotal + item);
        function whenDone(err, total) {
            // total = ":abcd"

map( items, transformFunc(item, cb), done(err, transformedItems) )

Apply the transformation to each data item, and return the list of transformed items. The transfor function is provided the item and a callback, and should call its callback with any error and the transformed item. Stops and returns the partial results so far on error. If the transform returns an error object along with a defined result, it will be included in the partial results.

    var aflow = require('aflow');
        function double(item, cb) {
            cb(null, 2 * item);
        function whenDone(err, transformedItems) {
            // transformedItems = [2,4,6,8,10]

filter( items, selectFunc(item, cb), done(err, selectedItems) )

Evaluate each data item with the select function and return the list of items that were selected. The select function is provided the item and a callback, and should call its callback with any error and a truthy value to select that item. If the select function returns an error object along with a truthy selection flag, the item generating the error will be included in the partial results.

    var aflow = require('aflow');
        function oddItems(item, cb) {
            if (item % 2) cb(null, true);
            else cb(null, false);
        function whenDone(err, selectedItems) {
            // selectedItems = [1,3,5]



  • global.setImmediate(f) is more reliable as function(){ setImmediate(f) }
  • flatten source tree


  • make it a fatal error if callback is called more than once
  • refactor for large speedup


  • use nextTick if setImmediate is not available (for eg node v0.8)


  • speedup by using closure not func args


  • make sure to call callback only once
  • rethrow errors that occur in the callback


  • documented all calls
  • improved unit test coverage
  • allow applyVisitor() to iterate any object with a numeric length, eg arguments or a Buffer


  • benchmark the speed of each of the primitives
npm i aflow


