
A single webtorrent client shared by all web pages and workers
bittorrent webtorrent torrent p2p persistent share aether

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A single WebTorrent client shared by all web pages and workers

Each AetherTorrent instance shares a single WebTorrent client between all web pages and workers. So when a torrent is added in one context all other contexts are able to see that this torrent was added and can stream the downloading torrent. The benefit of this is that through behind-the-scene delegation only one web page does the actual downloading and seeding of the torrent instead of each web page. Additionally web workers are able to add and stream torrents just as web pages can. This shared client architecture also inherently persists it's state to IndexedDB so when a web page is reponed after the browser closed, it still has access to all the added torrents and their data.

This is a web-only module that can be used with bundlers like browserify or the aethertorrent.min.js script can be included which adds AetherTorrent to the global scope.


Add a torrent then stream a file in a web page

var aether = new AetherTorrent()

aether.add('//foobar.torrent', function (err, torrent) {
  if (err) throw err
  var stream = torrent.files[0].getStream()

Add a torrent then stream a file in a web worker

The exact same code above can be used in the web worker. The only caveat is that to download the torrent, there must be a web page that has instantiated AetherTorrent. This is because the actual torrent downloading must happen in a webpage since web workers do not have access to the WebRTC api.

In a web page:

/* At least one web page has to have a AetherTorrent instance
   so the download can be delegated to a web page */
var aether = new AetherTorrent()

In a web worker:

// Exact same code in the first example
var aether = new AetherTorrent()

aether.add('//foobar.torrent', function (err, torrent) {
  if (err) throw err
  // Returns NodeJS style stream
  var stream = torrent.files[0].getStream()

List all the torrents the shared client holds

var aether = new AetherTorrent()

aether.on('ready', function() {

Get notified when a new torrent is added to the shared client

var aether = new AetherTorrent()

aether.on('torrent', function(torrent) {
  console.log(aether.torrents) // It is also added aether.torrents

Optional promises are supported alongside callbacks

var aether = new AetherTorrent()

.then(torrent => torrent.files[0].getBlob())
.then(blob => console.log(blob))


The API uses NodeJS style callbacks but also supports promises in methods that accept a callback. If a callback is not given to one of these methods then the method will return a promise.

var aether = new AetherTorrent([opts])

All instances by default share the same underlying storage and client so adding a torrent to one instance adds it to all instances. To separate instances from one another define opts.namespace. The opts argument can take the following properties:

  • opts.namespace - Unique string used to insulate instances from each other. Defaults to 'aethertorrent'

aether.add(torrentId, [opts], [function callback (err, torrent) {}])

Adds the given torrent to the instance and all other instances within the same namespace. torrentId must be a buffer of the '.torrent' file or a string url to the '.torrent' file. torrent is an instance of Torrent which is documented below.

opts can have the following properties:

  • opts.webseeds - an array of webseed urls


The list of Torrent instances that are shared between all web pages and workers. Listen for the 'ready' event to be notified when the list is fully populated.

var torrent = aether.get(infoHash)

Shorthand for iterating of the aether.torrents list and returning the torrent with the given infoHash or undefined if no torrent has that infoHash.

aether.on('ready', function onready () {})

aether.torrents is now fully populated with all the existing torrents

aether.on('torrent', function ontorrent (torrent) {})

Emitted when a AetherTorrent instance adds a new torrent

aether.remove(infoHash, [function callback (err) {}])

Removes the given torrent with the given infoHash


Frees the internal resources of the instance without destroying the underlying torrent data.

API - Torrent


The content based hash of the torrent that uniquely identifies it


An array of File instances that allow for the streaming of the file's data.

var file = torrent.getFile(filePath)

Returns the File instance whose path in the torrent matches the given filePath. If no file is found then undefined is returned.

API - File

The file name


The path of the file within the torrent


The size of the file

var stream = file.getStream([opts])

Returns a NodeJS Readable stream for the file. The file can be streamed from any instance while it is being downloaded. opts can take the following properties:

  • opts.start - The byte offset to start streaming from within the file
  • opts.end - The byte offset to end the streaming

var webStream = file.getWebStream([opts])

Returns a WhatWG Readable stream for the file. This type of stream is new and only available in a few browser; this method throws if it is called and the browser does not support this type of stream. opts can take the following properties:

  • opts.start - The byte offset to start streaming from within the file
  • opts.end - The byte offset to end the streaming

file.getBlob([opts], [function callback (err, blob) {}]

Returns a Blob of the file's data. opts can take the following properties:

  • opts.start - The byte offset to start the blob from
  • opts.end - The byte offset to end at
npm i aether-torrent


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • xuset
  • released 5/2/2018

