
Allow you to add event to calendar easier
calendar event static


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Allow you to add event to calendar easier

Screenshot 1


  • Support All Node.js versions since 4 to 16
  • Zero dependency
  • Support ES6 module importing
  • Single Event: Google
  • Single Event: iCal
  • Single Event: Outlook
  • Single Event: Outlook Online (disabled since v1.1.0)
  • Single Event: Yahoo!
  • Multi Event: iCal
  • Multi Event: Outlook

Compatible with all browsers:

  • Google Chrome 19+
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5+
  • Safari 6+
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Opera 11.5

Getting Started


1. Install via `npm`
1.1 Install npm
1.2 Install package: `npm install --save add2calendar`

2. Install via `bower`
2.1 Install npm
2.2 Install bower: `npm install -g bower`
2.3 Install package: `bower install --save add2calendar`
// Import via CommonJS
const Add2Calendar = require('add2calendar')
// Import via ES6
import * as Add2Calendar from "add2calendar"
<!-- Import via githack -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Import via bower -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./bower_components/add2calendar/css/add2calendar.css">
<script src="./bower_components/add2calendar/js/add2calendar.js"></script>
// Example usage

var singleEventArgs = {
  title       : 'Add2Calendar plugin event',
  start       : 'July 27, 2016 10:30',
  end         : 'July 29, 2016 19:20',
  location    : 'Bangkok, Thailand',
  description : 'Event description',
  isAllDay    : false,
var singleEvent = new Add2Calendar(singleEventArgs);

// to get actual url
singleEvent.getGoogleUrl(); //
singleEvent.getICalUrl(); // data:text/calendar;charset=utf8,BEGIN:VCALENDAR%0A...
singleEvent.getOutlookUrl(); // data:text/calendar;charset=utf8,BEGIN:VCALENDAR%0A...
singleEvent.getYahooUrl(); //

// render a widget
// Example usage (React.js)

import * as Add2Calendar from "add2calendar"
import React from 'react'
import 'add2calendar/css/add2calendar.css'

class Add2CalendarComponent extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount () {
    const singleEvent = new Add2Calendar({
      title: 'Add2Calendar plugin event',
      start: 'December 19, 2020 10:30',
      end: 'December 19, 2020 10:50',
      location: 'Bangkok, Thailand',
      description: 'Event description'

  render() {
    return (
      <div id="single-normal"></div>

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Add2CalendarComponent />

export default App;
// Example usage (multiple events)

var multiEventsArgs = [
    title       : 'Add2Calendar plugin event 1',
    start       : 'July 27, 2016 10:30',
    end         : 'July 27, 2016 19:30',
    location    : 'Bangkok, Thailand',
    description : 'Event description 1',
    title       : 'Add2Calendar plugin event 2',
    start       : 'July 28, 2016 10:30',
    end         : 'July 29, 2016 19:20',
    location    : 'Bangkok, Thailand',
    description : 'Event description 2',
var multiEvents = new Add2Calendar(multiEventsArgs);

// to get actual url
multiEvents.getICalUrl(); // data:text/calendar;charset=utf8,BEGIN:VCALENDAR%0AVERSION:2...
multiEvents.getOutlookUrl(); // data:text/calendar;charset=utf8,BEGIN:VCALENDAR%0AVERSION:2...

// render a widget

---- Example
title       : 'Add2Calendar plugin event',
start       : 'July 27, 2016 10:30',
end         : 'July 29, 2016 19:20',
location    : 'Bangkok, Thailand',
description : 'Event description.',
isAllDay    : false,

---- Default
title       : ''
location    : ''
description : ''
isAllDay    : false

---- Type
title       : <string>
location    : <string>
start       : <string> (date format) (required)
end         : <string> (date format) (required)
description : <string>
isAllDay    : <boolean>

Why this plugin

Apologize me, if I miss something

1: Simple

2: Many plugins do not meet my requirements

2.1 [](
- Not free

2.2 [addtocalendar](
- Google: OK
- iCal: OK
- Outlook: OK
- Outlook Online: not working (tested at 25/07/2016)
- Yahoo!: incorrect end date (tested at 25/07/2016)
- They link to their own service
- They add their own "description" at the bottom of event's description

2.3 [add-to-calendar-buttons](
- Google: OK
- iCal: OK
- Outlook: OK
- Outlook Online: don't have
- Yahoo!: incorrect date (tested at 25/07/2016)

2.4 [jquery.addtocalendar](
- Google: OK
- iCal: don't have
- Outlook: don't have
- Outlook Online: incorrect date, event and description not working (tested at 25/07/2016)
- Yahoo!: OK

Important changelog

- Test against multiple nodejs versions since 4 to 16

- Update accessibility by using <button> tag instead

- Support component-based framework e.g. React.js

- Support "isAllDay" param

- Fix iCal, data is truncated when it contains a "#" character

- Fix CommonJS importing error

- Update devDependencies versions
- Adding prefix to prevent naming collision
- Support CommonJS importing
- CI integration
- Support timezone
- Replace Sass with Less

- Remove `setLang` API (using `setOption` instead)
- Remove outlook-online from the list

- First release

Future Update

  • Update Google format to new format
  • Submit to bower
  • Submit to npm
  • start and end parameters can be Date objet
  • Unit test
  • Unit test: automated test on browser environment
  • Unit test: coverage
  • Create default value of end variable (should be equal start + 1 day)
  • Support ES6 (module export)
  • Support callback function
  • Set language
  • Support download attr
  • Refactor option parameter
  • Add lint tools
  • Support Office 365
  • Support
  • Yahoo, seems to be broken at 2021/01/09

Development and contribution

nvm install 4.0.0
nvm install 4.0.0 && nvm use 4.0.0
# or "nvm install 11.15.0 && nvm use 11.15.0"
npm install
npm shrinkwrap
mv ./npm-shrinkwrap.json ./package-lock.json

# publishing
npm publish --dry-run
npm publish

Format and others

Helper tool

npm i add2calendar


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Nathachai Thongniran
  • released 3/17/2022

