
A common module for building Atlassian Connect add-ons
atlassian connect atlassian-connect hipchat

Codeship Status for rbergman/ac-node


This is a common module shared by product-specific libraries useful in the development of Atlassian Connect add-ons.

The main library source is written to be compatible with Node.js v0.10.x, but the tests rely on ES6 generators, which means you must use Node.js v0.11.x to run the tests. Using nvm to manage multiple Node.js versions is recommended.

Running Tests

You'll need both redis and mongodb to run the complete the full test suite. If you don't have them, get them with an OS-appropriate package manager. On OS X, for example, brew is recommended.

$ brew install redis mongodb

Next, if you don't have nvm, install it. It's not strictly required, but will aid tremendously in running multiple versions of Node.js.

$ curl | bash

For more advanced help with nvm, see its website.

If you need Node.js v0.11.x, install and select it.

$ nvm install v0.11.13
$ nvm use v0.11.13

Next, make sure you have this repository's dependencies installed.

$ cd ac-node
$ npm install

Finally, run the full test suite.

$ npm test

To skip slow-running tests:

$ NODE_TEST=fast npm test

To skip the redis and mongodb tests:

$ NODE_TEST="no-redis no-mongo" npm test


