
Optimal evaluation of some lambda terms
functional-programming lambda-calculus interaction-combinators interaction-nets


An optimal evaluator for the λ-calculus. Absal works by compiling terms to (symmetric) interaction combinators.

It asymptotically beats all usual evaluators of functional programs, including Scheme Chez, Haskell GHC, JavaScript V8 and so on, which means it can be millions of times faster in some cases, as explained on this article.

It is similar to other optimal evaluators, except that it doesn't include any book-keeping machinery ("oracle"), only the "elegant core". Because of that, the implementation is very small, around 250 lines of code, including parsers.

Sadly, this algorithm isn't complete: it is incapable of evaluating λ-terms that copy a copy of themselves (like (λx.(x x) λf.λx.(f (f x)))). While this is very rare in practice, making Absal compatible with the entire λ-calculus is an important open problem.




  • Install

    npm install -g abstract-algorithm
  • Use as a command

    absal "(λf.λx.(f (f x)) λf.λx.(f (f x)))"
    # or...
    absal <file_name>
  • Use as a lib

    const Absal = require("absal");
    // Parses a λ-term
    var term = Absal.core.read("(λf.λx.(f (f x)) λf.λx.(f (f x)))");
    // Compiles to interaction combinators net
    var inet = Absal.inet.read(Absal.comp.compile(term));
    // Reduces the net
    var rewrites = Absal.inet.reduce(inet);
    // Decompiles back to a λ-term
    var term = Absal.comp.decompile(inet);
    // Prints the result
    console.log("("+rewrites+" rewrites)");
  • Work with interaction combinators directly

    const Absal = require("absal");
    // Creates an interaction combinator net with 4 nodes
    var inet = Absal.inet.read(`
    - a b a
    - c d b
    - c e e
    - d f f
    // Reduces the net
    var rewrites = Absal.inet.reduce(inet);
    // Prints the result
    console.log("("+rewrites+" rewrites)");

Some drawings


npm i abstract-algorithm


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • MaiaVictor
  • released 2/4/2023

