
Automated Accessibility Testing Tool
Selenium NodeJS accessibility testing

Automated Accessibility Testing Tool (AATT)

Browser-based accessibility testing tools and plugins require manually testing each page, one at a time. Tools that can crawl a website can only scan pages that do not require login credentials, and that are not behind a firewall. Instead of developing, testing, and using a separate accessibility test suite, you can now integrate accessibility testing into your existing automation test suite using AATT.

Windows setup

$ git clone https://github.com/paypal/AATT.git
$ cd AATT
$ npm i
$ DEBUG=AATT* http_port=3000 node app.js

You can now access the running instance of AATT from http://localhost:3000 To test the api do http://localhost:3000/test/AATT_API.html and click submit


Though the UI may show testing URL and html this is primarily intended to do continous integration with selenium suites using the API hosted internally in your environment

Integration with AATT API

AATT provides an API for evaluating HTML Source code from other servers. The API EndPoint is: https://your_nodejs_server/evaluate

  • Accepts the following parameters:

    1. "source" to send the HTML source of the page. Can be a whole page or partial page source
    2. "engine" E.g. engine=htmlcs. This is the engine which will scan the code. It accepts a single value of "axe", chrome" or "htmlcs".
    3. "ouput" to get the jsonified string. E.g. output=json. If this parameter is not set or left empty, it will return a string with table data that can be parsed or appended directly into your page. Default to "htmlcs"
    4. "errLevel" Error level like Error, Warning or Notices . Mapped to 1, 2 and 3 respectively. E.g. "1,2,3"
    5. "level" This option applies only for the default htmlcs evaluation engine. Options can be either of the following WCAG2AA, WCAG2A, WCAG2AAA, Section508 . Defaults to "WCAG2A"
  • Set the Request Header Content-type as application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Here is a sample ajax script which would initiate the request:

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.send("source=" + document.getElementById('source').value;

How to Use with nightwatchJS

Nightwatch JS is another UI automated testing framework powered by Node.js and uses the Selenium WebDriver API. To call AATT, you need to use the request module. NightwatchJs has call back functions like before and after hooks that would be called before or after executing a test case. Request to AATT API should be done in after hook passing the source code of the page to the API. Here is an example commit on how to do this with Nightwatch.


BSD license](LICENSE.md).



We welcome your feedback. Please file issues and/or enhancement requests.

npm i aatt-windows


