
Axis-align bounding box
3d 2d aabb axis-aligned bounding box volume area geomtry and 2 more...


Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes



npm install aabb






constructor (min = [0,0,0], max = [0,0,0])

min the minimum coordinates of the AABB. In a 2-D AABB in screen space, the coordinates for the upper-left corner.

max the maximum coordinates of the AABB. In a 2-D AABB in screen space, the coordinates for the lower-right corner.

Constructs a new AABB of dimensionality equal to min.length using the specified bounds.

NOTE The number of elements in min and max (ie. the dimensions) must be the same.

getLength (axis)

axis the zero-based array index representing a particular axis. By convention, 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z, and so on.

Returns the length of the AABB along the side defined by axis.

getLengths ()

Returns an array containing the lengths of all sides of the AABB.

expandByAABB (otherAABB)

Expand this to contain otherAABB.

expandToContainElements (elements, startAt = 0)

elements an array of elements.

startAt offset into the elments which to start at.

Expand this to contain all elements.

makeToContainElements (elements)

elements an array of elements.

Return a new AABB that contains the bounds of all elements.

overlaps (otherAABB)

Returns true if this and otherAABB overlap each other.

contains (otherAABB)

Returns true if this completely contains otherAABB.

contained (otherAABB)

Returns true if this is completely contained by otherAABB.

getSurfaceArea ()

Returns the surface area of the AABB. In the 2 dimension case, this is the AABB's perimeter.

getVolume ()

Returns the volume of the AABB. In the 2 dimension case, this is the AABB's area.

clone ()

Returns a clone of this.

intersectWithRay (ray)

ray a ray to test against.

Returns false is no intersection is possible. Otherwise, returns the portion of the ray (a ray segment) that results from the intersection of the ray with the AABB.

intersectWithSegment (rs)

rs - a ray segment to test against.

Returns false is no intersection is possible. Otherwise, returns the portion of the ray segment that results from the intersection of the ray segment with the AABB.

npm i aabb


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Jon-Carlos Rivera
  • released 10/27/2012

