
Generate and modify Apple Mail E-Mail signatures
Apple macOS mail signature plist Apple Mail E-Mail mail-signature html and 1 more...


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Generate and modify Apple Mail E-Mail signatures via npx.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently this tool works just if your Apple Mail base directory is located in ~/Library/Mail. However Apple started to containerize the App and on some machines Apple Mail is now part of an app container located in ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail and cannot be modified (at least I don't know how yet). I am working on finding out a way to achive modifying the signatures even in the containerized installation..


Be sure Apple Mail is closed before updateing the signatures

simply execte the a-mail-signature CLI by using npx:

npx a-mail-signature <option>

For example:

npx a-mail-signature create "My Default Signature" template.html
npx a-mail-signature modify "My Default Signature" template2.html
npx a-mail-signature delete "My Default Signature"

You can also install the CLI globally and execute a-mail-signature after that:

npm i -g a-mail-signature
a-mail-signature <option>

E-Mail signatures will be defined as HTML.

Note: all CSS styles must be either inlined or provided inside the <style></style> tag. An external reference to a stylesheet using <style href="style.css"> is not supported.

To check if the template has been added successfully, just open Apple Mail and go to Mail > Preferences... > Signatures.


All options are described in the help prompt:

npx a-mail-signature --help


To run an test the app locally, simply run npm start.


You can build the app by running: npm build. To clean the build directory run npm run clean

npm i a-mail-signature


