
HTTP Request snippet generator for *most* languages
api clojure csharp curl go har http httpie httr and 20 more...

HTTP Snippet version License

HTTP Request snippet generator for many languages & tools including: cURL, HTTPie, Javascript, Node, C, Java, PHP, Objective-C, Swift, Python, Ruby, C#, Go, OCaml and more!

Relies on the popular HAR format to import data and describe HTTP calls.

See it in action on ReadMe.



npm install --save @readme/httpsnippet


HTTPSnippet(input [, options])


Required Type: object

The HAR request object to generate a snippet for.

import { HTTPSnippet } from '@readme/httpsnippet';

const snippet = new HTTPSnippet({
  method: 'GET',
  url: 'https://httpbin.org/anything',


Type: object

Available options:

  • harIsAlreadyEncoded (boolean): In the event of you supplying a source HAR that already contains escaped data (query and cookie parameters)strings, this allows you to disable automatic encoding of those parameters to prevent them from being double-escaped.

convert(target [, options])


Required Type: string

Name of conversion target


Type: object

Target options, see wiki for details

import { HTTPSnippet } from '@readme/httpsnippet';

const snippet = new HTTPSnippet({
  method: 'GET',
  url: 'https://httpbin.org/anything',

// generate Node.js: Native output

// generate Node.js: Native output, indent with tabs
  snippet.convert('node', {
    indent: '\t',

convert(target [, client, options])


Required Type: string

Name of conversion target


Type: string

Name of conversion target client library


Type: object

Target options, see wiki for details

import { HTTPSnippet } from '@readme/httpsnippet';

const snippet = new HTTPSnippet({
  method: 'GET',
  url: 'https://httpbin.org/anything',

// generate Shell: cURL output
  snippet.convert('shell', 'curl', {
    indent: '\t',

// generate Node.js: Unirest output
console.log(snippet.convert('node', 'unirest'));



Required Type: object

Representation of a conversion target. Can use this to use targets that are not officially supported.

import { customLanguageTarget } from 'httpsnippet-for-my-lang';

addTargetClient(target, client)


Required Type: string

Name of conversion target


Required Type: object

Representation of a conversion target client. Can use this to use target clients that are not officially supported.

import { customClient } from 'httpsnippet-for-my-node-http-client';
HTTPSnippet.addTargetClient('node', customClient);



Required Type: object

The client plugin to install.

  target: 'node',
  client: {
    info: {
      key: 'custom',
      title: 'Custom HTTP library',
      link: 'https://example.com',
      description: 'A custom HTTP library',
      extname: '.custom',
    convert: () => {
      return 'This was generated from a custom client.';

The above example will create a new custom client snippet generator for the node target.


At the heart of this module is the HAR Format as the HTTP request description format, please review some of the sample JSON HAR Request objects in test fixtures, or read the HAR Docs for more details.

For detailed information on each target, please review the wiki.

Differences from kong/httpsnippet

There are some major differences between this library and the httpsnippet upstream:

  • Includes a full integration test suite for a handful of clients and targets.
  • Does not ship with a CLI component.
  • Does not do any HAR schema validation. It's just assumed that the HAR you're supplying to the library is already valid.
  • The main HTTPSnippet export contains an options argument for an harIsAlreadyEncoded option for disabling escaping of cookies and query strings in URLs.
    • We added this because all HARs that we interact with already have this data escaped and this option prevents them from being double encoded, thus corrupting the data.
  • Does not support the insecureSkipVerify option on go:native, node:native, ruby:native, and shell:curl as we don't want snippets generated for our users to bypass SSL certificate verification.
  • Includes a full plugin system, #addClientPlugin, for quick installation of a target client.
  • Node
    • fetch
      • Body payloads are treated as an object literal and wrapped within JSON.stringify(). We do this to keep those targets looking nicer with those kinds of payloads. This also applies to the JS fetch target as well.
    • request
      • Does not provide query string parameters in a params argument due to complexities with query encoding.
  • PHP
    • guzzle
      • Snippets have require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); prefixed at the top.
  • Python
    • python3
      • Does not ship this client due to its incompatibility with being able to support file uploads.
    • requests
      • Does not provide query string parameters in a params argument due to complexities with query encoding.


MIT © Kong

npm i @zudoku/httpsnippet


  • MIT
  • >=18
  • Unknown
  • released 7/2/2024
