
```bash yarn install ```

Set up

yarn install


  • Newer than or equal to forge 0.2.0 (13497a5).

Build and Test

Make sure you have Foundry installed

Build the contracts using the below command.

$ yarn build

Run unit tests

$ yarn test

Run integration tests

Before running integration tests, you need to make a packages/contracts/test/build_integration directory, download the zip file from the following link, and place its unzipped directory under that directory. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XDPFIL5YK8JzLGoTjmHLXO9zMDjSQcJH/view?usp=sharing

Then, move email_auth_with_body_parsing_with_qp_encoding.zkey and email_auth_with_body_parsing_with_qp_encoding.wasm in the unzipped directory params to build_integration.

Run each integration tests one by one as each test will consume a lot of memory.

Eg: contracts % forge test --skip '*ZKSync*' --match-contract "IntegrationTest" -vvv --chain 8453 --ffi

Deploy Common Contracts.

You need to deploy common contracts, i.e., ECDSAOwnedDKIMRegistry, Verifier, and implementations of EmailAuth and SimpleWallet, only once before deploying each wallet.

  1. cp .env.sample .env.
  2. Write your private key in hex to the PRIVATE_KEY field in .env. If you want to verify your own contracts, you can set ETHERSCAN_API_KEY to your own key.
  3. source .env
  4. forge script script/DeployCommons.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --broadcast --verify -vvvv

Deploy Each Wallet.

After deploying common contracts, you can deploy a proxy contract of SimpleWallet, which is an example contract supporting our email-based account recovery by RecoveryController.

  1. Check that the env values of DKIM, VERIFIER, EMAIL_AUTH_IMPL, and SIMPLE_WALLET_IMPL are the same as those output by the DeployCommons.s.sol script.
  2. forge script script/DeployRecoveryController.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --broadcast -vvvv


There are four main contracts that developers should understand: IDKIMRegistry, Verifier, EmailAuth and EmailAccountRecovery. While the first three contracts are agnostic to use cases of our SDK, the last one is an abstract contract only for our email-based account recovery.

IDKIMRegistry Contract

It is an interface of the DKIM registry contract that traces public keys registered for each email domain in DNS. It is defined in the zk-email library. It requires a function isDKIMPublicKeyHashValid(string domainName, bytes32 publicKeyHash) view returns (bool): it returns true if the given hash of the public key publicKeyHash is registered for the given email-domain name domainName.

One of its implementations is ECDSAOwnedDKIMRegistry. It stores the Ethereum address signer who can update the registry.

We also provide another implementation called UserOverrideableDKIMRegistry.

Key features of UserOverrideableDKIMRegistry include:

  1. User-specific public key setting
  2. Time-delayed activation of main authorizer's approvals
  3. Dual revocation mechanism (user or main authorizer)
  4. Reactivation of revoked keys (by users only)

This implementation provides a balance between centralized management and user autonomy in the DKIM registry system.

Verifier Contract

It has the responsibility to verify a ZK proof for the email_auth_with_body_parsing_with_qp_encoding.circom circuit. It is implemented in utils/Verifier.sol.

It defines a structure EmailProof consisting of the ZK proof and data of the instances necessary for proof verification as follows:

struct EmailProof {
    string domainName; // Domain name of the sender's email
    bytes32 publicKeyHash; // Hash of the DKIM public key used in email/proof
    uint timestamp; // Timestamp of the email
    string maskedCommand; // Masked command of the email
    bytes32 emailNullifier; // Nullifier of the email to prevent its reuse.
    bytes32 accountSalt; // Create2 salt of the account
    bool isCodeExist; // Check if the account code exists
    bytes proof; // ZK Proof of Email

Using that, it provides a function function verifyEmailProof(EmailProof memory proof) public view returns (bool): it takes as input the EmailProof proof and returns true if the proof is valid. Notably, it internally calls Groth16Verifier.sol generated by snarkjs from the verifying key of the email_auth_with_body_parsing_with_qp_encoding.circom circuit.

EmailAuth Contract

It is a contract deployed for each email user to verify an email-auth message from that user. The structure of the email-auth message is defined as follows:

struct EmailAuthMsg {
    uint templateId; // The ID of the command template that the email command should satisfy.
    bytes[] commandParams; // The parameters in the email command, which should be taken according to the specified command template.
    uint skippedCommandPrefix; // The number of skipped bytes in the email command.
    EmailProof proof; // The email proof containing the zk proof and other necessary information for the email verification by the verifier contract.

It has the following storage variables.

  • address owner: an address of the contract owner.
  • bytes32 accountSalt: an accountSalt used for the CREATE2 salt of this contract.
  • DKIMRegistry dkim: an instance of the DKIM registry contract.
  • Verifier verifier: an instance of the Verifier contract.
  • address controller: an address of a controller contract, defining the command templates supported by this contract.
  • mapping(uint=>string[]) commandTemplates: a mapping of the supported command templates associated with its ID.
  • mapping(bytes32⇒bytes32) authedHash: a mapping of the hash of the authorized message associated with its emailNullifier.
  • uint lastTimestamp: the latest timestamp in the verified EmailAuthMsg.
  • mapping(bytes32=>bool) usedNullifiers: a mapping storing the used emailNullifier bytes.
  • bool timestampCheckEnabled: a boolean whether timestamp check is enabled or not.

It provides the following functions.

  • initialize(address _initialOwner, bytes32 _accountSalt, address _controller)
    1. Set owner=_initialOwner .
    2. Set accountSalt=_accountSalt.
    3. Set timestampCheckEnabled=true.
    4. Set controller=_controller.
  • dkimRegistryAddr() view returns (address) Return address(dkim)
  • verifierAddr() view returns (address) Return address(verifier) .
  • initDKIMRegistry(address _dkimRegistryAddr)
    1. Assert msg.sender==controller.
    2. Assert dkim is zero.
    3. Set dkim=IDKIMRegistry(_dkimRegistryAddr).
  • initVerifier(address _verifierAddr)
    1. Assert msg.sender==controller.
    2. Assert verifier is zero.
    3. Set verifier=Verifier(_verifierAddr).
  • updateDKIMRegistry(address _dkimRegistryAddr)
    1. Assert msg.sender==owner.
    2. Assert _dkimRegistryAddr is not zero.
    3. Set dkim=DKIMRegistry(_dkimRegistryAddr).
  • updateVerifier(address _verifier)
    1. Assert msg.sender==owner.
    2. Assert _verifier is not zero.
    3. Set verifier=Verifier(_verifier).
  • updateVerifier(address _verifierAddr)
    1. Assert msg.sender==owner .
    2. Assert _verifierAddr!=0.
    3. Update verifier to Verifier(_verifierAddr).
  • updateDKIMRegistry(address _dkimRegistryAddr)
    1. Assert msg.sender==owner .
    2. Assert _dkimRegistryAddr!=0.
    3. Update dkim to DKIMRegistry(_dkimRegistryAddr).
  • getCommandTemplate(uint _templateId) public view returns (string[] memory)
    1. Assert that the template for _templateId exists, i.e., commandTemplates[_templateId].length >0 holds.
    2. Return commandTemplates[_templateId].
  • insertCommandTemplate(uint _templateId, string[] _commandTemplate)
    1. Assert _commandTemplate.length>0 .
    2. Assert msg.sender==controller.
    3. Assert commandTemplates[_templateId].length == 0, i.e., no template has not been registered with _templateId.
    4. Set commandTemplates[_templateId]=_commandTemplate.
  • updateCommandTemplate(uint _templateId, string[] _commandTemplate)
    1. Assert _commandTemplate.length>0 .
    2. Assert msg.sender==controller.
    3. Assert commandTemplates[_templateId].length != 0 , i.e., any template has been already registered with _templateId.
    4. Set commandTemplates[_templateId]=_commandTemplate.
  • deleteCommandTemplate(uint _templateId)
    1. Assert msg.sender==controller.
    2. Assert commandTemplates[_templateId].length > 0, i.e., any template has been already registered with _templateId.
    3. delete commandTemplates[_templateId].
  • authEmail(EmailAuthMsg emailAuthMsg) returns (bytes32)
    1. Assert msg.sender==controller.
    2. Let string[] memory template = commandTemplates[emailAuthMsg.templateId].
    3. Assert template.length > 0.
    4. Assert dkim.isDKIMPublicKeyHashValid(emailAuthMsg.proof.domain, emailAuthMsg.proof.publicKeyHash)==true.
    5. Assert usedNullifiers[emailAuthMsg.proof.emailNullifier]==false and set usedNullifiers[emailAuthMsg.proof.emailNullifier] to true.
    6. Assert accountSalt==emailAuthMsg.proof.accountSalt.
    7. If timestampCheckEnabled is true, assert that emailAuthMsg.proof.timestamp is zero OR lastTimestamp < emailAuthMsg.proof.timestamp, and update lastTimestamp to emailAuthMsg.proof.timestamp.
    8. Construct an expected command expectedCommand from template and the values of emailAuthMsg.commandParams.
    9. Assert that expectedCommand is equal to emailAuthMsg.proof.maskedCommand[skippedCommandPrefix:] , i.e., the string of emailAuthMsg.proof.maskedCommand from the skippedCommandPrefix-th byte.
    10. Assert verifier.verifyEmailProof(emailAuthMsg.proof)==true.
  • isValidSignature(bytes32 _hash, bytes memory _signature) public view returns (bytes4 magicValue)
    1. Parse _signature as (bytes32 emailNullifier).
    2. If authedHash[emailNullifier]== _hash, return 0x1626ba7e; otherwise return 0xffffffff.
  • setTimestampCheckEnabled(bool enabled) public
    1. Assert msg.sender==controller.
    2. Set timestampCheckEnabled to enabled.

EmailAccountRecovery Contract

It is an abstract contract for each smart account brand to implement the email-based account recovery. Each smart account provider only needs to implement the following functions in a new contract called controller. In the following, the templateIdx is different from templateId in the email-auth contract in the sense that the templateIdx is an incremental index defined for each of the command templates in acceptanceCommandTemplates() and recoveryCommandTemplates().

  • isActivated(address recoveredAccount) public view virtual returns (bool): it returns if the account to be recovered has already activated the controller (the contract implementing EmailAccountRecovery).
  • acceptanceCommandTemplates() public view virtual returns (string[][]): it returns multiple command templates for an email to accept becoming a guardian (acceptance email).
  • recoveryCommandTemplates() public view virtual returns (string[][]): it returns multiple command templates for an email to confirm the account recovery (recovery email).
  • extractRecoveredAccountFromAcceptanceCommand(bytes[] memory commandParams, uint templateIdx) public view virtual returns (address): it takes as input the parameters commandParams and the index of the chosen command template templateIdx in those for acceptance emails.
  • extractRecoveredAccountFromRecoveryCommand(bytes[] memory commandParams, uint templateIdx) public view virtual returns (address): it takes as input the parameters commandParams and the index of the chosen command template templateIdx in those for recovery emails.
  • acceptGuardian(address guardian, uint templateIdx, bytes[] commandParams, bytes32 emailNullifier) internal virtual: it takes as input the Ethereum address guardian corresponding to the guardian's email address, the index templateIdx of the command template in the output of acceptanceCommandTemplates(), the parameter values of the variable parts commandParams in the template acceptanceCommandTemplates()[templateIdx], and an email nullifier emailNullifier. It is called after verifying the email-auth message to accept the role of the guardian; thus you can assume the arguments are already verified.
  • processRecovery(address guardian, uint templateIdx, bytes[] commandParams, bytes32 emailNullifier) internal virtual: it takes as input the Ethereum address guardian corresponding to the guardian's email address, the index templateIdx of the command template in the output of recoveryCommandTemplates(), the parameter values of the variable parts commandParams in the template recoveryCommandTemplates()[templateIdx], and an email nullifier emailNullifier. It is called after verifying the email-auth message to confirm the recovery; thus you can assume the arguments are already verified.
  • completeRecovery(address account, bytes memory completeCalldata) external virtual: it can be called by anyone, in particular a Relayer, when completing the account recovery. It should first check if the condition for the recovery of account holds and then update its owner's address in the wallet contract.

It also provides the following entry functions with their default implementations, called by the Relayer.

  • handleAcceptance(EmailAuthMsg emailAuthMsg, uint templateIdx) external
    1. Extract an account address to be recovered recoveredAccount by calling extractRecoveredAccountFromAcceptanceCommand.
    2. Let address guardian = CREATE2(emailAuthMsg.proof.accountSalt, ERC1967Proxy.creationCode, emailAuthImplementation(), (emailAuthMsg.proof.accountSalt)).
    3. Let uint templateId = keccak256(EMAIL_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_VERSION_ID, "ACCEPTANCE", templateIdx).
    4. Assert that templateId is equal to emailAuthMsg.templateId.
    5. Assert that emailAuthMsg.proof.isCodeExist is true.
    6. If the EmailAuth contract of guardian has not been deployed, deploy the proxy contract of emailAuthImplementation(). Its salt is emailAuthMsg.proof.accountSalt and its initialization parameter is recoveredAccount, emailAuthMsg.proof.accountSalt, and address(this), which is a controller of the deployed contract.
    7. If the EmailAuth contract of guardian has not been deployed, call EmailAuth(guardian).initDKIMRegistry(dkim()).
    8. If the EmailAuth contract of guardian has not been deployed, call EmailAuth(guardian).initVerifier(verifier()).
    9. If the EmailAuth contract of guardian has not been deployed, for each template in acceptanceCommandTemplates() along with its index idx, call EmailAuth(guardian).insertCommandTemplate(keccak256(EMAIL_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_VERSION_ID, "ACCEPTANCE", idx), template).
    10. If the EmailAuth contract of guardian has not been deployed, for each template in recoveryCommandTemplates() along with its index idx, call EmailAuth(guardian).insertCommandTemplate(keccak256(EMAIL_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_VERSION_ID, "RECOVERY", idx), template).
    11. If the EmailAuth contract of guardian has been already deployed, assert that its controller is equal to address(this).
    12. Assert that EmailAuth(guardian).authEmail(emailAuthMsg) returns no error.
    13. Call acceptGuardian(guardian, templateIdx, emailAuthMsg.commandParams, emailAuthMsg.proof.emailNullifier).
  • handleRecovery(EmailAuthMsg emailAuthMsg, uint templateIdx) external
    1. Extract an account address to be recovered recoveredAccount by calling extractRecoveredAccountFromRecoveryCommand.
    2. Let address guardian = CREATE2(emailAuthMsg.proof.accountSalt, ERC1967Proxy.creationCode, emailAuthImplementation(), (emailAuthMsg.proof.accountSalt)).
    3. Assert that the contract of guardian has been already deployed.
    4. Let uint templateId=keccak256(EMAIL_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_VERSION_ID, "RECOVERY", templateIdx).
    5. Assert that templateId is equal to emailAuthMsg.templateId.
    6. Assert that EmailAuth(guardian).authEmail(emailAuthMsg) returns no error.
    7. Call processRecovery(guardian, templateIdx, emailAuthMsg.commandParams, emailAuthMsg.proof.emailNullifier).

For zkSync

# Install foundry

cd packages/contracts
yarn build

# Install foundry-zksync
Please follow this URL

Next, you should uncomment the following lines in foundry.toml.

# via-ir = true 

Partial comment-out files can be found the following. Please uncomment them. (Uncomment from FOR_ZKSYNC:START to FOR_ZKSYNC:END)

  • src/utils/ZKSyncCreate2Factory.sol
  • test/helpers/DeploymentHelper.sol

At the first forge build, you need to detect the missing libraries.

forge build --zksync --zk-detect-missing-libraries

As you saw before, you need to deploy missing libraries. You can deploy them by the following command for example.

$ forge build --zksync --zk-detect-missing-libraries
Missing libraries detected: src/libraries/CommandUtils.sol:CommandUtils, src/libraries/DecimalUtils.sol:DecimalUtils

Run the following command in order to deploy each missing library:

The following commands are for deploying to zksync sepolia. If you want to deploy to other networks like zksync mainnet, please change the RPC_URL and CHAIN_ID accordingly.

export RPC_URL=https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev
export CHAIN_ID=300
forge create src/libraries/DecimalUtils.sol:DecimalUtils --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain $CHAIN_ID --zksync
forge create src/libraries/CommandUtils.sol:CommandUtils --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain $CHAIN_ID --zksync --libraries src/libraries/DecimalUtils.sol:DecimalUtils:{DECIMAL_UTILS_ADDRESS_YOU_DEPLOYED}

After that, you can see the following line in foundry.toml. Also, this line is needed only for foundry-zksync, if you use foundry, please remove this line. Otherwise, the test will fail.

libraries = [

Incidentally, the above line already exists in foundy.toml with it commented out, if you uncomment it by replacing {PROJECT_DIR} with the appropriate path, it will also work.

About Create2, L2ContractHelper.computeCreate2Address should be used. And type(ERC1967Proxy).creationCode doesn't work correctly in zkSync. We need to hardcode the type(ERC1967Proxy).creationCode to bytecodeHash. Perhaps that is a different value in each compiler version.

Run this command, you'll get the bytecode hash.

forge test --match-test "testComputeCreate2Address" --no-match-contract ".*Script.*" --system-mode=true --zksync --gas-limit 1000000000 --chain 300 -vvv

And then, you should set the PROXY_BYTECODE_HASH in the .env


For zkSync testing

Run the following command

source .env
yarn zktest

Current foundry-zksync overrides the foundry behavior. If you installed foundry-zksync, some EVM code will be different and some test cases will fail. If you want to test on other EVM, please install foundry.

Even if the contract size is fine for EVM, it may exceed the bytecode size limit for zksync, and the test may not be executed. Therefore, EmailAccountRecovery.t.sol has been split.

Currently, some test cases are not working correctly because there is an issue about missing libraries.


Failing test cases are here.


  • testAuthEmail()


  • testAuthEmail()
  • testExpectRevertAuthEmailEmailNullifierAlreadyUsed()
  • testExpectRevertAuthEmailInvalidEmailProof()
  • testExpectRevertAuthEmailInvalidCommand()
  • testExpectRevertAuthEmailInvalidTimestamp()


  • testAuthEmail()

For integration testing

To pass the integration testing, you should use era-test-node. See the following URL and install it. https://github.com/matter-labs/era-test-node

Run the era-test-node forking zksync sepolia

era_test_node fork https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev

You remove .zksolc-libraries-cache directory, and run the following command.

forge build --zksync --zk-detect-missing-libraries

As you saw before, you need to deploy missing libraries. You can deploy them by the following command for example.

Run the following command in order to deploy each missing library:

export RPC_URL=
export CHAIN_ID=260
forge create src/libraries/DecimalUtils.sol:DecimalUtils --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain $CHAIN_ID --zksync
forge create src/libraries/CommandUtils.sol:CommandUtils --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain $CHAIN_ID --zksync --libraries src/libraries/DecimalUtils.sol:DecimalUtils:{DECIMAL_UTILS_ADDRESS_YOU_DEPLOYED}

Set the libraries in foundry.toml using the above deployed address.

Run this command, you'll get the bytecode hash.

forge test --match-test "testComputeCreate2Address" --no-match-contract ".*Script.*" --system-mode=true --zksync --gas-limit 1000000000 --chain 300 -vvv

And then, you should set the PROXY_BYTECODE_HASH in the .env


And then, run the integration testing.

source .env
forge test --match-contract "IntegrationZKSyncTest" --system-mode=true --zksync --gas-limit 1000000000 --chain 300 -vvv --ffi

For zkSync deployment (For test net)

As you saw before, you need to deploy missing libraries. You can deploy them by the following command for example.

export RPC_URL=https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev
export CHAIN_ID=300
forge create src/libraries/DecimalUtils.sol:DecimalUtils --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain $CHAIN_ID --zksync
forge create src/libraries/CommandUtils.sol:CommandUtils --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --chain $CHAIN_ID --zksync --libraries src/libraries/DecimalUtils.sol:DecimalUtils:{DECIMAL_UTILS_ADDRESS_YOU_DEPLOYED}

After that, you can see the following line in foundry.toml. Also, this line is needed only for foundry-zksync, if you use foundry, please remove this line. Otherwise, the test will fail.

libraries = [

Incidentally, the above line already exists in foundy.toml with it commented out, if you uncomment it by replacing {PROJECT_DIR} with the appropriate path, it will also work.

Run this command, you'll get the bytecode hash.

forge test --match-test "testComputeCreate2Address" --no-match-contract ".*Script.*" --system-mode=true --zksync --gas-limit 1000000000 --chain 300 -vvv

And then, you should set the PROXY_BYTECODE_HASH in the .env


You need to edit .env at first. Second just run the following commands with --zksync

source .env
forge script script/DeployRecoveryControllerZKSync.s.sol:Deploy --zksync --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --slow --via-ir --system-mode true -vvvv 
npm i @zk-email/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 9/12/2024
