
An automated smart contract web viewer. Run on any ABI folder
xyo dapploy xyo-nodejs


"Simulate your Smart Contracts"


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Check out Dapper, live at https://dapper.layerone.co to start playing with your smart contracts.

Pt. I. - Let's Get Dapper

  1. When in doubt, yarn it out in the project directory:
  1. Run dapper
yarn start

Pt. II - Dapploy Some Contracts locally

We need to deploy some smart contracts

  1. Use Dapploy and create your first standalone smart contact project:
./dapploy init
./dapploy -P

or Use Truffle to deploy your smart contracts to any Ethereum blockchain, and note the folder of your ABI, usually in <truffle_project>/build/contracts

Pt. III - View Local Contracts

  1. If you don't already have it, download and install Ganache from their site

  2. Same with MetaMask from their site

  3. Configure Ganache on 8545:

  • Open Ganache
  • Click the Gear Icon thingy ( ⚙️ ) to open Preferences.... Make sure that port is set to 8545.
  • Click "Save and Restart" in the top-right of Ganache
  1. Configure Metamask network to localhost
  • Sign into Metamask and change Network on Metamask to localhost 8545
  1. Add ganache account to metamask
  • In your Ganache UI, you'll see a list of ~10 addresses. Click the key icon (🔑) next to one of 'em. And then COPY the "Private Key"
  1. Start dapper. This should open up localhost:3000 in a chrome browser.
yarn start

You should see the Dapper UI with no smart contracts loaded.

Pt. III. - Play with your Smart Contracts

  1. In Dapper UI, go to the settings cog and select Local Path and enter <truffle_project>/build/contracts (Priject dir from Pt. II)

  2. Tap Save and you should be able to see the FungibleToken in the dropdown and play with it!

  3. Select name() function and you should see the name, "Fun Token" displayed.

npm i @xyo-network/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Kevin Weiler
  • released 11/7/2018
