
Various constants, utility types, and typed functions for TypeScript projects
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This package contains several generic TypeScript utility types and helper functions not already covered by type-fest.


npm install --save-dev @xunnamius/types


You can use this library's exports in your TypeScript projects like so:

import type { HttpStatusCode } from '@xunnamius/types'

const status: HttpStatusCode = 404;

Type and Constant Glossary

This package exports the following:


JSON.parse() by default cannot serialize and deserialize regular expressions. With ES6, regular expressions can be represented by their source and flags properties.

This type represents a serialized regular expression with respect to those properties.

import type { JsonRegExp } from '@xunnamius/types';

const target = /my-regex/i;
const jsonResult = JSON.parse(
  JSON.stringify({ source: target.source, flags: target.flags })
const deserializedTarget = RegExp(jsonResult.source, jsonResult.flags);

// Conceptually, target == deserializedTarget at this point in that they match
// the exact same strings (but are not literally or syntactically equal)


This type represents a generic success result. Useful mostly in HTTP-related code.

import type { JsonSuccess } from '@xunnamius/types';

const jsonResult: JsonSuccess = { data: {}, success: true };


This type represents a generic error result. Useful mostly in HTTP-related code.

import type { JsonError } from '@xunnamius/types';

const jsonResult: JsonError = {
  'some-more-data': {},
  message: 'error reason',
  success: false


This type represents any valid (and a few invalid) HTTP status codes.

import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch';
import type { HttpStatusCode } from '@xunnamius/types';

const res = await fetch('https://google.com');
const status: HttpStatusCode = res.status;


This type represents any object key/index type.

import type { AnyKey } from '@xunnamius/types';

const o: { [key: AnyKey]: unknown } = {
  key: 'valid',
  0: 'valid',
  [Symbol('key')]: 'valid'


This type represents any valid HTTP request method.

import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch';
import type { ValidHttpMethod } from '@xunnamius/types';

const method: ValidHttpMethod = 'PATCH';
const res = await fetch('https://google.com', { method });

These method name strings can also be enumerated via the validHttpMethod array instance.

import { validHttpMethods } from '@xunnamius/types';

const isValidMethod = (method: string): method is ValidHttpMethod => {
  return validHttpMethods.includes(method as ValidHttpMethod);

const maybeValidMethod: string = getMethod();

if (isValidMethod(maybeValidMethod)) {
  // maybeValidMethod is of type ValidHttpMethod within this block
} else {
  // maybeValidMethod is of type string within this block


This type represents any function type.

import type { AnyFunction } from '@xunnamius/types';

const fn: AnyFunction = () => 'valid';


This type represents any class.

import type { AnyClass } from '@xunnamius/types';

const class1: AnyClass = class {
  constructor() {
    this.name = 'my class';


This type prevents the compiler from automatically inferring a generic parameter's type by taking advantage of conditional types that depend on an unresolved generic type parameter, ensuring the compiler cannot choose an inference candidate and is forced to return the parameter's default value instead.

Useful when using a generic parameter(s) to enforce typechecking, which is when you want to throw an error instead of allowing the compiler to choose a candidate based on usage (the default behavior).

import type { NoInfer } from '@xunnamius/types';

function sendResult<T = never>(send: any, result: NoInfer<T>) {

type Num = { x: number };
sendResult<Num>(sendResponse, { x: 1 }); // okay

sendResult<Num>(sendResponse, { x: 'sss' }); // error
sendResult(sendResponse, { x: 1 }); // error

See also:


This type represents a point in time defined as the number of milliseconds (ms) since the unix epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).

import type { UnixEpochMs } from '@xunnamius/types';

export type ImportantType = {
  importantThing: unknown;
  createdAt: UnixEpochMs;

Function Glossary

The following functions are available:


See the docs for interface description.

This function is a type guard that returns true if the object has the name and message properties. Being a type guard, it also asserts the existence of these properties to TypeScript.

export async function isValidAuthHeader(header: string) {
  let scheme: AuthScheme;
  let token: AuthToken;

  try {
    ({ scheme, token } = await getTokenFromString({
      authString: header,
  } catch (e) {
    return {
      valid: false,
      error: `bad Authorization header: ${isError(e) ? e.message : e}`

  return { valid: true, scheme, token };


Further documentation can be found under docs/.


FOSSA analysis

Contributing and Support

New issues and pull requests are always welcome and greatly appreciated! 🤩 Just as well, you can star 🌟 this project to let me know you found it useful! ✊🏿 Thank you!

See CONTRIBUTING.md and SUPPORT.md for more information.

npm i @xunnamius/types


  • MIT
  • >=12
  • Xunnamius
  • released 6/18/2022

