
TypeScript helper functions to narrow the type of object to a Node descendant
dom node typescript narrow guard


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@xmldom/is-dom-node is a versatile TypeScript library designed to provide robust utility functions for working with DOM nodes. Whether you're developing for the browser or dealing with XML in NodeJS, this library offers a comprehensive set of functions for checking and asserting various types of DOM nodes. It's particularly useful when working with NodeJS libraries like xpath and @xmldom/xmldom, as it can validate the objects returned by these libraries.


npm install @xmldom/is-dom-node


Import the library and use it as follows:

import * as isDomNode from "@xmldom/is-dom-node";

const element = document.createElement("div");
const result = isDomNode.isElementNode(element); // Output: true

TypeScript Example

import * as isDomNode from "@xmldom/is-dom-node";

function handleNode(node: Node) {
  if (isDomNode.isElementNode(node)) {
    // TypeScript now knows `node` is an Element
  } else if (isDomNode.isTextNode(node)) {
    // TypeScript now knows `node` is a Text node
  } else {
    try {
      // Assert that the node is a Comment node
      // TypeScript now knows `node` is a Comment node
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Node is not a Comment node:", error);

API Overview

The API consists of two main types of functions:

is... Functions

These functions return a boolean value indicating whether the given object meets certain criteria:

  • isNodeLike: Checks if a given value resembles a DOM node.
  • isArrayOfNodes: Checks if the given value is an array of DOM nodes.
  • isElementNode, isAttributeNode, isTextNode, etc.: Check for specific types of DOM nodes.

assertIs... Functions

These functions assert that a given object meets certain criteria and throw an error if it doesn't:

  • assertIsNodeLike: Asserts that a given value is a DOM node.
  • assertIsArrayOfNodes: Asserts that the given value is an array of DOM nodes.
  • assertIsElementNode, assertIsAttributeNode, assertIsTextNode, etc.: Assert for specific types of DOM nodes.

TypeScript Type Narrowing

Both the is... and assertIs... functions can be used for TypeScript type narrowing. After a successful check or assertion, TypeScript will recognize the specific type of the DOM node, allowing for more robust and error-free code.


  • Lightweight
  • Written in TypeScript
  • Comprehensive tests
  • Compatible with NodeJS XML libraries like xpath and @xmldom/xmldom


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

npm i @xmldom/is-dom-node


  • MIT
  • >= 16
  • Chris Barth
  • released 10/9/2023

