
Custom Doge client and utilities used by XChain clients
Xchain Doge




yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-doge

Following peer dependencies have to be installed into your project. These are not included in @xchainjs/xchain-doge.

yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-client @xchainjs/xchain-crypto @xchainjs/xchain-util axios bitcoinjs-lib coininfo wif


xchain doge

How xchain-doge works
How to use xchain-doge

Service Providers

This package uses the following service providers:

Function Service Notes
Balances Sochain https://sochain.com/api#get-balance
Transaction history Sochain https://sochain.com/api#get-display-data-address, https://sochain.com/api#get-tx
Transaction details by hash Sochain https://sochain.com/api#get-tx
Transaction fees BlockCypher https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/doge/main
Transaction broadcast BlockCypher https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/doge/main/txs/push
Explorer Blockchair https://blockchair.com/dogecoin

Sochain API rate limits: https://sochain.com/api#rate-limits (300 requests/minute)

BlockCypher API rate limits: https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/doge/main (5 requests/second)


default providers

Creating a no-arg DOGE Client will default to the following settings:

const defaultDogeParams: UtxoClientParams = {
  network: Network.Mainnet,
  phrase: '',
  explorerProviders: blockstreamExplorerProviders,
  dataProviders: [blockcypherDataProviders],
  rootDerivationPaths: {
    [Network.Mainnet]: `m/44'/3'/0'/0/`,
    [Network.Stagenet]: `m/44'/3'/0'/0/`,
    [Network.Testnet]: `m/44'/1'/0'/0/`,
  feeBounds: {
    lower: LOWER_FEE_BOUND,
    upper: UPPER_FEE_BOUND,

Note: BlockCypher is the default online data provider (to fetch realtime utxos, balances, etc)

Overriding providers

You can specify own array of providers, whoch will be executed in array-order, to provide automated failover to the subsequent providers if calls to the first providers fail

example sochain v3, blockcypher backup

import { Client, defaultDogeParams, AssetDOGE, SochainDataProviders, blockcypherDataProviders } from '@xchainjs/xchain-doge'
import { SochainNetwork,  SochainProvider } from '@xchainjs/xchain-utxo-providers'
import { Network, UtxoClientParams } from '@xchainjs/xchain-client'

// override with your API key
SochainDataProviders[Network.Mainnet].apiKey = 'YOUR_SOCHAIN_API_KEY'

// or set in env variables so default config can access.
//Default config can access.

//overridde the default init params with your onfig
const initParams: UtxoClientParams = {
  dataProviders: [SochainDataProviders, BlockcypherDataProviders]// use sochain first and blockcypher as fallback
  phrase: process.env.PHRASE,
const DOGEClient = new Client(sochainParams)
npm i @xchainjs/xchain-doge


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • XChainJS
  • released 10/11/2024
