
Utility tool to generate mermaid diagrams for Warehouse.ai


Version npm License npm Downloads Dependencies CircleCI

Utility to generate consistent Mermaid diagrams for Warehouse.ai modules.


npm install @wrhs/diagrams --save-dev


The easiest way to use this tool is by adding an npm command to the consuming module's package.json

"scripts": {
  "diagrams": "wrhs-diagrams --source=./docs/diagrams --target=./docs --theme=forest"

This command can then be used from the consuming module by running

npm run diagrams


The tool uses puppeteer with Mermaid's API to generate svg's from the .mmd diagram definitions. canihaz will install Puppeteer the first time this tool is used. It only has a single command, but it supports the following flags.

  • --source: Relative path to directory with .mmd source files, defaults to ./diagrams.
  • --target: Relative path to directory to store .png output files, defaults to ./assets.
  • --file: Relative path to source files --file one.mmd --file two.mmd.
  • --theme: Theme to be used for diagram styling, defaults to forest.

Note: If you need to assert the HTML used in Puppeteer to generate the chart set DEBUG=true to have the script output both an .png and .html file.


npm test
npm i @wrhs/diagrams


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC
  • released 6/4/2019
