
Run-time abstractions for creating multi-environment web applications while practicing feature-oriented software development.


Run-time abstractions for creating multi-environment web applications while practicing feature-oriented software development.


  • An application is a set of one or more features.
  • A feature contains all the integration code required to get a subset of product functionality implemented.
  • Features may depend on other features, consume their exposed services and register into their slots.
  • A service is a set of functions exposed as an API of a feature.
  • A slot is a registry of any type, which allows pluggability via registration.
  • Environments (browser/webworker/iframe) are defined by features, and have semantic names (main/processing/preview).
  • Each slot and service is available in a specific environment.
  • Services can be marked as accessible cross-environments, which exposes them as async APIs in those environment.


A feature is combined of several files:

  • <feature-name>.feature.ts - feature definition file.
  • <feature-name>.<some-env>.env.ts - some-env specific setup code.
  • <feature-name>.<another-env>.env.ts - another-env specific setup code.

Feature definition file

Feature definition is created in a <feature-name>.feature.ts file, and is exposed as the default export.

For example:

/* my-feature.feature.ts */

import { Feature } from '@wixc3/engine-core';

/* defining a new feature */
export default new Feature({
  id: 'myFeature' /* unique id for the feature */,

  dependencies: [
    /* other features the feature depends on */

  api: {
    /* slots, services, and configurations of the feature */
npm i @wixc3/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 12/10/2020



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