
Wireline SMS API.

Send SMS service

Simple wrapper for Twilio that will send an SMS message to a mobile number.


First make sure we have examples monorepo initialized. Run yarn from the examples repo root.

Deploy the SMS stack service

Run the follwing commands from the examples/sms

  1. wire build
  2. wire service register --domain example.com
  3. wire stack deploy

Wireline Sandbox

  1. Create a new project using the service-template.

  2. Update stack.yml to add a reference to the SMS service:

          endpointUrl: "wrn::example.com/sms/sms"
  3. Modify handler.js to import the SMS API

    import { Wireline } from '@wirelineio/sdk';
    import SMS from '@wireland/sms';
    module.exports = {
      test: Wireline.exec(async (event, context) => {
        const { phone, msg = 'Hello there!' } = event.queryStringParameters || {};
        await new SMS(context).send(phone, msg);

If there is an error sending the message the error will be thrown by the .send method so its recommended that you use a try/catch block to handle any errors.

npm i @wireland/sms

