


CLI tool that lints frontend resources in mediawiki extensions. Analyzes the sources and builds a dependency tree from source, and then lints that information with the extension.json ResourceModules declarations.

It assumes the mediawiki extension contains a resources/ folder with the frontend assets and a extension.json file with a ResourceModules key with the ResourceLoader configuration.

See T146748 for more information.


You can install it globally and use it from the command line:

npm install -g resource-modules
resource-modules ~/mediawiki-vagrant/mediawiki/extensions/Popups/

You can also set it up locally for your project:

npm install --save-dev resource-modules
# Add a script in package.json
#   "scripts": {
#     "lint": "resource-modules ./"
#   }
npm run lint


  • Templates
    • Forces usage of mw.template.get with string literals (no variables)
    • Complains when template used in source is not on ResourceModules
  • i18n messages
    • Forces usage of mw.msg with string literals
    • Complains when message used in source is not on its ResourceModule or other modules in the dependency graph
  • Unused files
    • Warns about files not defined in any ResourceModules
      • Only warning because there may be files loaded on hooks depending on runtime checks
  • MobileFrontend modules (mw.mobileFrontend.define & mw.mobileFrontend.require)
    • Complains about unused M.defines
    • Checks that M.required modules are M.defined in some dependency script (in same ResourceModule or a dependency)
  • MobileFrontend modules (mw.mobileFrontend.define & mw.mobileFrontend.require)
    • Complains about unused M.defines
    • Checks that M.required modules are M.defined in some dependency script (in same ResourceModule or a dependency)
  • Global mw namespaces/usages
    • Tracks global definitions of mw.X = { ... }, mw.X.Y = ... and $.extend( mw.X, { Y: ... } ), from the extension and core.
    • Tracks usages of mw.X in sources
    • Complains when used mw.X globals are not in previously defined scripts in ResourceModules

Disabling linting

Sometimes there are highly dynamic interactions on the code that can't be linted, for example, MobileFrontend using messages defined on VisualEditor, so they aren't in MobileFrontend's extension.json.

In those cases, use // resource-modules-disable-line in the line that is giving you the lint error to avoid parsing of that line and thus the error. Example:

// ...
    type: "list",
    icon: "edit",
    title: mw.msg("visualeditor-mweditmode-tooltip"), //resource-modules-disable-line
    include: ["editModeVisual", "editModeSource"]

Possible future improvements

  • Track and lint the broken version of require/module.exports that ResourceLoader exposes (ResourceModule based scope instead of file based scope like in common.js modules)
  • Lint for messages defined in resource modules not used in sources or dependent sources
  • Lint async requires to be correct too
  • Automatic restructuring/collapsing of ResourceModules configuration
  • Validate template files actually exist


resource-modules requires node.js 6+ and is written in typed javascript using typescript

npm install
npm start /path/to/mediawiki/extension

To run the type checker, and tests:

npm test

If you want to run them in watch mode:

npm install -g nodemon
nodemon -e "ts" -w src/ --exec "npm test"

To release, first build the artifacts and then publish:

npm run dist
npm version <major|minor|patch>
git push --tags && git push
npm publish
npm i @wikimedia/resource-modules


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Joaquin Oltra
  • released 10/3/2018
