
Whitespace’s basic Gatsby plugin for Matomo

Gatsby Plugin for Matomo

Integrates your site with Matomo.


yarn add @whitespace/gatsby-plugin-matomo

How to use

// gatsby-config.js

plugins: [
    resolve: "gatsby-plugin-matomo",
    options: {
      mtmContainerId: "YOUR_MATOMO_CONTAINER_ID",
      includeInDevelopment: false,
      routeChangeEventName: "gatsby-route-change", // Set this `false` to disable events
      trackPageViews: false, // Change to `true` to track page views
      requireCookieConsent: false, // Change to true to require cookie consent. See below how to handle consent.

Integration with @whitespace/gatsby-plugin-cookie-consent

If you are using @whitespace/gatsby-plugin-cookie-consent it’s recommended to whitelist the container url and hook into the store to check if consent has been given:

  1. Add this to gatsby-browser.js:
// gatsby-browser.js

import MatomoCookieHandler from "./src/components/MatomoCookieHandler";

export function wrapPageElement({ element }) {
  return (
      <MatomoCookieHandler />
  1. And this to src/components/MatomoCookieHandler.js:
// src/components/MatomoCookieHandler.js

import { useStore } from "@whitespace/gatsby-plugin-cookie-consent/src/hooks/store";
import React, { useEffect } from "react";

MatomoCookieHandler.propTypes = {};

 * Pushes "setCookieConsentGiven" to Matomo if/when cookies are accepted
export default function MatomoCookieHandler() {
  let [store] = useStore();

  let cookiesAreAccepted = store.answer === "accept";

  useEffect(() => {
    if (cookiesAreAccepted && typeof window !== "undefined") {
  }, [cookiesAreAccepted]);

  return null;
npm i @whitespace/gatsby-plugin-matomo


  • AGPL
  • Whatever
  • Whitespace Dev
  • released 5/22/2024
