
Vue plugin for reactive, offline capable databases.
vue vue-plugin vuex-plugin offline-first offline-capable pouchdb couchdb couchbase wearegenki and 1 more...

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Vue plugin for reactive, offline capable databases — npmjs.com/package/@wearegenki/db.

NOTE: This package uses various ES6/ES7 features and needs to be transpiled to suit your browser compatibility policy. We don't handle any transpilation in the package itself, it's just the raw source code. You also need a way to load the web worker script.


Included PouchDB plugins:

  1. pouchdb-adapter-idb
  2. pouchdb-adapter-http
  3. pouchdb-replication


NOTE: These instructions assume you're using webpack.

1. Install plugin and dependencies

yarn add @wearegenki/db \
  && yarn add --dev workerize-loader

2. Import the plugin

NOTE: See configuration options below.

PRO TIP: This is also a good place to put any custom database methods too.

Create a file to import the plugin and set your configuration, e.g. services/db.js:

import Vue from 'vue';
import Database from '@wearegenki/db';
import vuex from '../store'; // your vuex store


const db = new Database.Connection({
  local: 'app',
  remote: 'http://localhost:4984/your_db_name', // optional
  queries: [ // set up any reactive queries, optional
    ['docs', [
  // debug: '*', // all logs

export default db;

3. Inject into the root vue instance

E.g. main.js:

import Vue from 'vue';
import store from './store';
import db from './services/db';
import App from './App';

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h(App),

4. Use in vue components or JS

NOTE: Keep in mind most of the plugin methods return a Promise so you need to use await or .then() before you can access the resulting value.

You can now use the plugin in vue components like this:

this.$db.get('your_doc_id').then((res) => {

Or in any JS file like this:

import db from './services/db';

db.get('your_doc_id').then((res) => {


Option Default Required Value/s Description
local 'app' No <string> The name for the local database. Names get appended to "_pouch_" so the default turns in to _pouch_app. It's also possible to use a URL to bypass saving any data locally and only communicate with a remote database.
remote undefined No* <string> The URL to your remote database, e.g. https://your-site.com:5984/your_db. *Only required if you want syncing functionality.
filter undefined No A PouchDB replication filter See the filtered replication section in the PouchDB docs.
vuex undefined No* <vuex instance> A reference to your vuex store. *Only required when you want to use reactive queries or the status property.
queries [] No Valid input for Map(), see example below Register reactive queries. See queries section below.
namespace 'db' No <string> Namespace for the vuex module. Determines the path to the vuex properties and methods.
createRemote false No <Boolean> Create remote database if it doesn't already exist. Only works with CouchDB (not Couchbase Sync Gateway). Default = assume remote database already exists.
sync true No <Boolean> Enables replication between the local and remote databases. The sync() method is useful to trigger a manual sync when this is set to false, see API methods below. remote is required for this to have any effect.
debounce 300 No <Number> Amount of milliseconds to debounce between executing queries when document changes are detected. This helps to limit unnecessary CPU usage when a flood of documents are syncing from the remote database, like when a user first syncs, in which case we want to delay running queries until the network traffic settles or the sync is complete.
pushCp 'source' No 'source' | 'target' | <Boolean> Dictates where should checkpoints be saved. Default = only local database will save checkpoints, which results in less network traffic for better performance but at a small risk of data loss if the remote database is ever destroyed. For more information see PouchDB docs and the feature discussion on GitHub.
pullCp 'target' No 'source' | 'target' | <Boolean> Same as pushCp but for docs coming from remote. Default = only local database will save checkpoints.
status false No <Boolean> Expose if the sync status is OK by adding a reactive vuex property <namespace>/ok. Only use this when necessary because it has a performance impact (due to its event listeners).
debug undefined No '*' | 'pouchdb:api' | pouchdb:http Enable PouchDB's debug mode.


Queries are a way to get a set of documents which match certain criteria easily. Use the db.query() method to do a one-time query. One-time queries are great, however, a key feature of this library is reactive queries, which can be set as a initial option or any time via the db.register() method. Please note this is different from mango queries — it's much simpler leading to much better performance.

NOTE: To use reactive queries a vuex store is required.

Query format

  id: 'doc_id_prefix', // doc _id prefix to search
  filter: [ // optional
    '>', // comparison operator (>, <, >=, <=, or when undefined ===)
  sort: 'field_to_sort_by', // optional
  limit: 100, // optional
  start: 'doc_id_prefix', // optional, doc _id prefix to start search from (and end at `prefix`) for pagination

Example queries

One-time query


export default {
  mounted() {
    this.getFeedbackList().then((res) => {
  methods: {
    // simple array of "feedback" docs sorted by score
    getFeedbackList() {
      return this.$db.query({
        id: 'feedback',
        sort: 'score',

Reactive query


import { mapState } from 'vuex';

export default {
  computed: mapState('db', [
    'topBooks', // you can use the topBooks array in your vue template
  created() {
  beforeDestroy() {
  methods: {
    async getTopBooks() {
        id: 'book',
        filter: ['publishDate', '>=', '2015-03-25'],
        sort: 'title',
        limit: 10,
      }, 'topBooks');

API Methods

PRO TIP: It's recommended to call methods on the local database so to provide "offline first" support for your projects.

Direct database access

local(method, ...opts)

Run a PouchDB method against the local database.

#TODO: Write description and give example.

remote(method, ...opts)

Run a PouchDB method against the remote database.

#TODO: Write description and give example.

Convenience wrapper methods

For developer convenience the most common PouchDB methods are available directly.


#TODO: Write description and give example.


#TODO: Write description and give example.


#TODO: Write description and give example.

Additional methods

Extra API methods unique to this plugin; not part of PouchDB.

waitFor(_id, newOnly, timeout)

#TODO: Write description and give example.

register(query, key)

#TODO: Write description and give example.

unregister(key, isDoc)

#TODO: Write description and give example.

query({ id, filter, sort, limit, start })

#TODO: Write description and give example.


#TODO: Write description and give example.

upsert(_id, diff)

#TODO: Write description and give example.


#TODO: Write description and give example.


#TODO: Write description and give example.

Useful variables


A promise that resolves once the initial remote to local replication has finished. A.K.A. once the initial data has finished downloading.


@wearegenki/db is an Apache-2.0 licensed open source project. See LICENCE.

© 2018 We Are Genki

npm i @wearegenki/db


