
Wraps raw social data to general Post

Social wrap

Wraps a post from a social network into a generic Post


var wrap = require( '@volox/social-post-wrapper' ).default;
var tweet = {...}; // From Twitter
var instagramMedia = {...}; // From Instagram

// Without options
var twPost = wrap( tweet, 'twitter' );
var igPost = wrap( instagramMedia, 'instagram' );
console.log( twPost );
console.log( igPost );

// With options
var twPost1 = wrap( tweet, 'twitter', {
  useField: false,
} );
var igPost1 = wrap( instagramMedia, 'instagram', {
  field: 'source',
} );
console.log( twPost1 );
console.log( igPost1 );

// Will output


The wrapper accepts the following options:

Name Description Type Required Default
useField Add a field that specifies the source of the post (EG twitter, instagram ...) Boolean false true
field The field where the provider will be saved String false 'provider'

Post format:

Field Description Type Available
id The id from the provider String yes
text The text of the post String yes
date The creation date of the post Date yes
location The location of the post as a GeoJSON point feature GeoJON Point if present
author The name of the author String yes
authorId The id of the autor String yes
tags The list of tags for the post Array if present
lang The language of the post String if present
raw The original posrt from the provider Object yes


  id: '6457897564564564564654',
  text: 'TEST TEST',
  date: '2015-06-08T15:23:53.596Z',
  location: {
    type: 'Point',
    coordinates: [ longitude, latitude ]
  author: 'Volox',
  authorId: '428956',
  tags: [
  lang: 'en',
  provider: 'twitter',
  raw: { ... } // the original post from the social network
npm i @volox/[email protected]

Source Code


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Volox
  • released 5/27/2015

