
Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player.
vimeo player api iframe embed video javascript postMessage

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The Vimeo Player API allows you to interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player.


You can install the Vimeo Player API through either npm:

npm install @vimeo/player

Alternatively, you can reference an up‐to‐date version on our CDN:

<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>

Warning: when used with RequireJS it's required to load the script dynamically via the RequireJS load system. https://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#jsfiles

Getting Started

In order to control the Vimeo player, you need a player to control. There are a few ways to get a player:

Pre-existing player

Already have a player on the page? Pass the element to the Vimeo.Player constructor and you’re ready to go.

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/76979871?h=8272103f6e" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe>

<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
    const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
    const player = new Vimeo.Player(iframe);

    player.on('play', function() {
        console.log('played the video!');

    player.getVideoTitle().then(function(title) {
        console.log('title:', title);

Create with a video id or url

You can use the library to make the embed for you. All you need is an empty element and the video id or vimeo.com url (and optional embed options).

NOTE: If the video privacy settings are "Unlisted", instead of providing an id property, you will need to provide the full video URL as a url property and include the h parameter.

<div id="made-in-ny"></div>

<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
    const options = {
        id: 59777392,
        width: 640,
        loop: true

    const player = new Vimeo.Player('made-in-ny', options);


    player.on('play', function() {
        console.log('played the video!');

Automatically with HTML attributes

When the library loads, it will scan your page for elements with Vimeo attributes. Each element must have at least a data-vimeo-id or data-vimeo-url attribute in order for the embed to be created automatically. You can also add attributes for any of the embed options, prefixed with data-vimeo (data-vimeo-portrait="false", for example).

NOTE: If the video privacy settings are "Unlisted", instead of providing a data-vimeo-id attribute, you will need to provide the full video URL in a data-vimeo-url attribute and include the h parameter.

<div data-vimeo-id="19231868" data-vimeo-width="640" id="handstick"></div>
<div data-vimeo-url="https://player.vimeo.com/video/76979871?h=8272103f6e" id="playertwo"></div>

<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
    // If you want to control the embeds, you’ll need to create a Player object.
    // You can pass either the `<div>` or the `<iframe>` created inside the div.
    const handstickPlayer = new Vimeo.Player('handstick');
    handstickPlayer.on('play', function() {
        console.log('played the handstick video!');

    const playerTwoPlayer = new Vimeo.Player('playertwo');
    playerTwoPlayer.on('play', function() {
        console.log('played the player 2.0 video!');

Browser Support

The Player API library is supported in IE 11+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

Migrate from Froogaloop

Using our old Froogaloop library? See the migration doc for details on how to update your code to use this library.

Using with a module bundler

If you’re using a module bundler like webpack or rollup, the exported object will be the Player constructor (unlike the browser where it is attached to window.Vimeo):

import Player from '@vimeo/player';

const player = new Player('handstick', {
    id: 19231868,
    width: 640

player.on('play', function() {
    console.log('played the video!');

Similarly, if you’re using RequireJS in the browser, it will also import the Player constructor directly:

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/76979871?h=8272103f6e" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe>

    require(['https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js'], function (Player) {
        const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
        const player = new Player(iframe);

        player.on('play', function() {
            console.log('played the video!');

Table of Contents

Create a Player

The Vimeo.Player object wraps an iframe so you can interact with and control a Vimeo Player embed.

Existing embed

If you already have a Vimeo <iframe> on your page, pass that element into the constructor to get a Player object. You can also use jQuery to select the element, or pass a string that matches the id of the <iframe>.

// Select with the DOM API
const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
const iframePlayer = new Vimeo.Player(iframe);

// Select with jQuery
// If multiple elements are selected, it will use the first element.
const jqueryPlayer = new Vimeo.Player($('iframe'));

// Select with the `<iframe>`’s id
// Assumes that there is an <iframe id="player1"> on the page.
const idPlayer = new Vimeo.Player('player1');

Create an embed

Pass any element and an options object to the Vimeo.Player constructor to make an embed inside that element. The options object should consist of either an id or url and any other embed options for the embed.

NOTE: If the video privacy settings are "Unlisted", instead of providing an id property, you will need to provide the full video URL as a url property and include the h parameter.

<div id="made-in-ny"></div>

<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
    const options = {
        id: 59777392,
        width: 640,
        loop: true

    // Will create inside the made-in-ny div:
    // <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/59777392?h=ab882a04fd&loop=1" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe>
    const madeInNy = new Vimeo.Player('made-in-ny', options);

Embed options will also be read from the data-vimeo-* attributes. Attributes on the element will override any defined in the options object passed to the constructor (similar to how the style attribute overrides styles defined in CSS).

Elements with a data-vimeo-id or data-vimeo-url attribute will have embeds created automatically when the player API library is loaded. You can use the data-vimeo-defer attribute to prevent that from happening and create the embed at a later time. This is useful for situations where the player embed wouldn’t be visible right away, but only after some action was taken by the user (a lightbox opened from clicking on a thumbnail, for example).

<div data-vimeo-id="59777392" data-vimeo-defer id="made-in-ny"></div>
<div data-vimeo-id="19231868" data-vimeo-defer data-vimeo-width="500" id="handstick"></div>

<script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
    const options = {
        width: 640,
        loop: true

    // Will create inside the made-in-ny div:
    // <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/59777392?h=ab882a04fd&loop=1" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe>
    const madeInNy = new Vimeo.Player('made-in-ny', options);

    // Will create inside the handstick div:
    // <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/19231868?h=1034d5269b&loop=1" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe>
    const handstick = new Vimeo.Player(document.getElementById('handstick'), options);

Embed Options

These options are available to be appended to the query string of the player URL, used as data-vimeo- attributes on elements, or included as an object passed to the Vimeo.Player constructor. The complete list of embed options can be found in our official SDK documentation.


You can call methods on the player by calling the function on the Player object:


All methods, except for on() and off() return a Promise. The Promise may or may not resolve with a value, depending on the specific method.

player.disableTextTrack().then(function() {
    // the track was disabled
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

Promises for getters are resolved with the value of the property:

player.getLoop().then(function(loop) {
    // whether or not the player is set to loop

Promises for setters are resolved with the value set, or rejected with an error if the set fails. For example:

player.setColor('#00adef').then(function(color) {
    // the color that was set
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred setting the color

on(event: string, callback: function): void

Add an event listener for the specified event. Will call the callback with a single parameter, data, that contains the data for that event. See events below for details.

const onPlay = function(data) {
    // data is an object containing properties specific to that event

player.on('play', onPlay);

off(event: string, callback?: function): void

Remove an event listener for the specified event. Will remove all listeners for that event if a callback isn’t passed, or only that specific callback if it is passed.

const onPlay = function(data) {
    // data is an object containing properties specific to that event

player.on('play', onPlay);

// If later on you decide that you don’t need to listen for play anymore.
player.off('play', onPlay);

// Alternatively, `off` can be called with just the event name to remove all
// listeners.

loadVideo(options: number|string|object): Promise<number|object, (TypeError|PasswordError|Error)>

Load a new video into this embed. The promise will be resolved if the video is successfully loaded, or it will be rejected if it could not be loaded.

NOTE: If the video privacy settings are "Unlisted", instead of providing an id argument, you will need to provide the full video URL as a url argument and include the h parameter.

player.loadVideo(76979871).then(function(id) {
    // the video successfully loaded
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'TypeError':
            // the id was not a number

        case 'PasswordError':
            // the video is password-protected and the viewer needs to enter the
            // password first

        case 'PrivacyError':
            // the video is password-protected or private

            // some other error occurred

ready(): Promise<void, Error>

Trigger a function when the player iframe has initialized. You do not need to wait for ready to trigger to begin adding event listeners or calling other methods.

player.ready().then(function() {
    // the player is ready

enableTextTrack(language: string, kind?: string): Promise<object, (InvalidTrackLanguageError|InvalidTrackError|Error)>

Enable the text track with the specified language, and optionally the specified kind (captions or subtitles).

When set via the API, the track language will not change the viewer’s stored preference.

player.enableTextTrack('en').then(function(track) {
    // track.language = the iso code for the language
    // track.kind = 'captions' or 'subtitles'
    // track.label = the human-readable label
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'InvalidTrackLanguageError':
            // no track was available with the specified language

        case 'InvalidTrackError':
            // no track was available with the specified language and kind

            // some other error occurred

disableTextTrack(): Promise<void, Error>

Disable the currently-active text track.

player.disableTextTrack().then(function() {
    // the track was disabled
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

pause(): Promise<void, (PasswordError|PrivacyError|Error)>

Pause the video if it’s playing.

player.pause().then(function() {
    // the video was paused
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'PasswordError':
            // the video is password-protected and the viewer needs to enter the
            // password first

        case 'PrivacyError':
            // the video is private

            // some other error occurred

play(): Promise<void, (PasswordError|PrivacyError|Error)>

Play the video if it’s paused. Note: on iOS and some other mobile devices, you cannot programmatically trigger play. Once the viewer has tapped on the play button in the player, however, you will be able to use this function.

player.play().then(function() {
    // the video was played
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'PasswordError':
            // the video is password-protected and the viewer needs to enter the
            // password first

        case 'PrivacyError':
            // the video is private

            // some other error occurred

unload(): Promise<void, Error>

Return the internal player (iframe) to its initial state.

player.unload().then(function() {
    // the video was unloaded
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

destroy(): Promise<void, Error>

Cleanup the player and remove it from the DOM.

It won't be usable and a new one should be constructed in order to do any operations.

player.destroy().then(function() {
    // the player was destroyed
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

requestFullscreen(): Promise<void, Error>

Request the player enters fullscreen.

player.requestFullscreen().then(function() {
    // the player entered fullscreen
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

exitFullscreen(): Promise<void, Error>

Request the player exits fullscreen.

player.exitFullscreen().then(function() {
    // the player exits fullscreen
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getFullscreen(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Checks whether the player is currently fullscreen.

player.getFullscreen().then(function(fullscreen) {
    // fullscreen = whether fullscreen is turned on or off
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

requestPictureInPicture(): Promise<void, Error>

Request the player enters picture-in-picture.

player.requestPictureInPicture().then(function() {
    // the player entered picture-in-picture
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

exitPictureInPicture(): Promise<void, Error>

Request the player exits picture-in-picture.

player.exitPictureInPicture().then(function() {
    // the player exits picture-in-picture
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getPictureInPicture(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Checks whether the player is currently picture-in-picture.

player.getPictureInPicture().then(function(pip) {
    // pip = whether picture-in-picture is turned on or off
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

remotePlaybackPrompt(): Promise<void, Error>

Prompt the viewer to activate or deactivate a remote playback device, if one is available.

Note: This method may require user interaction directly with the player before working properly and must be triggered by a user interaction. It is best to wait for initial playback before calling this method.

player.remotePlaybackPrompt().then(function() {
    // viewer has been prompted
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'NotFoundError':
            // remote playback is not supported or there is no device available

            // some other error occurred

getRemotePlaybackAvailability(): Promise<string, Error>

Checks if there is a remote playback device available.

player.getRemotePlaybackAvailability().then(function(remotePlaybackAvailable) {
    // remotePlaybackAvailable = whether there is a remote playback device available or not
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getRemotePlaybackState(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Get the current state of remote playback. Can be one of connecting, connected, or disconnected. These values are equivalent to the state values in the Remote Playback API.

player.getRemotePlaybackState().then(function(remotePlaybackState) {
    // remotePlaybackState === 'connecting': player is attempting to connect to the remote device
    // remotePlaybackState === 'connected': player successfully connected and is playing on the remote playback device
    // remotePlaybackState === 'disconnected': player is not connected to a remote playback device
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getAutopause(): Promise<boolean, (UnsupportedError|Error)>

Get the autopause behavior for this player.

player.getAutopause().then(function(autopause) {
    // autopause = whether autopause is turned on or off
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'UnsupportedError':
            // Autopause is not supported with the current player or browser

            // some other error occurred

setAutopause(autopause: boolean): Promise<boolean, (UnsupportedError|Error)>

Enable or disable the autopause behavior of this player. By default, when another video is played in the same browser, this player will automatically pause. Unless you have a specific reason for doing so, we recommend that you leave autopause set to the default (true).

player.setAutopause(false).then(function(autopause) {
    // autopause was turned off
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'UnsupportedError':
            // Autopause is not supported with the current player or browser

            // some other error occurred

getBuffered(): Promise<array, Error>

Get the buffered time ranges of the video.

player.getBuffered().then(function(buffered) {
    // buffered = an array of the buffered video time ranges.
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getChapters(): Promise<array, Error>

Get an array of the chapters that are on the video.

player.getChapters().then(function(chapters) {
    // chapters = an array of chapters objects
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

Each chapters object looks like this:

    "startTime": 15,
    "title": "Chapter Title",
    "index": 1

getCurrentChapter(): Promise<object, Error>

Get the current chapter. A chapter is "current" when the currentTime of the video is equal to or after its startTime and before the startTime of the next chapter or the end of the video.

player.getCurrentChapter().then(function(chapter) {
    // chapter = a chapter object
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getColor(): Promise<string, Error>

Get the accent color for this player. Note that this is deprecated in place of getColors.

player.getColor().then(function(color) {
    // color = the hex color of the player
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getColors(): Promise<string[], Error>

Get all colors used for this player. The return value is an array of primary, accent, text/icon, and background.

player.getColors().then(function(colors) {
    // colors = [primary, accent, text/icon, background]
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

setColor(color: string): Promise<string, (ContrastError|TypeError|Error)>

Set the accent color of this player to a hex or rgb string. Setting the color may fail if the owner of the video has set their embed preferences to force a specific color. Note that this setter is deprecated and should be replaced with setColors.

player.setColor('#00adef').then(function(color) {
    // color was successfully set
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {

        case 'TypeError':
            // the string was not a valid hex or rgb color

        case 'EmbedSettingsError':
            // the owner of the video has chosen to use a specific color

            // some other error occurred

setColors(colors: string[]): Promise<string[], (ContrastError|TypeError|Error)>

Set all colors of this player with an array of hex values. Setting the color may fail if the owner of the video has set their embed preferences to force a specific color.

player.setColors(['abc', 'def', '123', '456']).then(function(color) {
    // colors were successfully set
    // Array order: [primary, accent, text/icon, background]
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {

        case 'TypeError':
            // the string was not a valid hex or rgb color

        case 'EmbedSettingsError':
            // the owner of the video has chosen to use a specific color

            // some other error occurred

addCuePoint(time: number, data: object): Promise<string, (UnsupportedError|RangeError|Error)>

Add a cue point to the player. Cue points fire a cuepoint event when the currentTime of the video passes the specified time. Note: cue points should be accurate to within a tenth of a second, but the precision may vary based on browser or environment.

player.addCuePoint(15, {
    customKey: 'customValue'
}).then(function(id) {
    // cue point was added successfully
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'UnsupportedError':
            // cue points are not supported with the current player or browser

        case 'RangeError':
            // the time was less than 0 or greater than the video’s duration

            // some other error occurred

removeCuePoint(id: string): Promise<string, (UnsupportedError|InvalidCuePoint|Error)>

Remove the specified cue point using the id returned from addCuePoint() or from getCuePoints().

player.removeCuePoint('09ecf4e4-b587-42cf-ad9f-e666b679c9ab').then(function(id) {
    // cue point was removed successfully
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'UnsupportedError':
            // cue points are not supported with the current player or browser

        case 'InvalidCuePoint':
            // a cue point with the id passed wasn’t found

            // some other error occurred

getCuePoints(): Promise<array, (UnsupportedError|Error)>

Get an array of the cue points that have been added to the video.

player.getCuePoints().then(function(cuePoints) {
    // cuePoints = an array of cue point objects
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'UnsupportedError':
            // cue points are not supported with the current player or browser

            // some other error occurred

Each cue point object looks like this:

    "time": 15,
    "data": {
        "customKey": "customValue"
    "id": "09ecf4e4-b587-42cf-ad9f-e666b679c9ab"

getCurrentTime(): Promise<number, Error>

Get the current playback position in seconds.

player.getCurrentTime().then(function(seconds) {
    // seconds = the current playback position
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

setCurrentTime(seconds: number): Promise<number, (RangeError|Error)>

Set the current playback position in seconds. Once playback has started, if the player was paused, it will remain paused. Likewise, if the player was playing, it will resume playing once the video has buffered. Setting the current time before playback has started will cause playback to start.

You can provide an accurate time and the player will attempt to seek to as close to that time as possible. The exact time will be the fulfilled value of the promise.

player.setCurrentTime(30.456).then(function(seconds) {
    // seconds = the actual time that the player seeked to
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'RangeError':
            // the time was less than 0 or greater than the video’s duration

            // some other error occurred

getDuration(): Promise<number, Error>

Get the duration of the video in seconds. It will be rounded to the nearest second before playback begins, and to the nearest thousandth of a second after playback begins.

player.getDuration().then(function(duration) {
    // duration = the duration of the video in seconds
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getEnded(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Get the ended state of the video. The video has ended if currentTime === duration.

player.getEnded().then(function(ended) {
    // ended = whether or not the video has ended
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getLoop(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Get the loop state of the player.

player.getLoop().then(function(loop) {
    // loop = whether loop is turned on or not
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

setLoop(loop: boolean): Promise<boolean, Error>

Set the loop state of the player. When set to true, the player will start over immediately once playback ends. Note: when loop is turned on, the ended event will not fire.

player.setLoop(true).then(function(loop) {
    // loop was turned on
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getMuted(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Get the muted state of the player.

player.getMuted().then(function(muted) {
    // muted = whether muted is turned on or not
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

setMuted(muted: boolean): Promise<boolean, Error>

Set the muted state of the player. When set to true, the player volume will be muted.

player.setMuted(true).then(function(muted) {
    // muted was turned on
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getPaused(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Get the paused state of the player.

player.getPaused().then(function(paused) {
    // paused = whether or not the player is paused
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getPlaybackRate(): Promise<number, Error>

Get the playback rate of the player on a scale from 0 to 2.

player.getPlaybackRate().then(function(playbackRate) {
    // playbackRate = a numeric value of the current playback rate
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

setPlaybackRate(playbackRate: number): Promise<number, (RangeError|Error)>

Set the playback rate of the player on a scale from 0 to 2 (available to PRO and Business accounts). When set via the API, the playback rate will not be synchronized to other players or stored as the viewer's preference.

player.setPlaybackRate(0.5).then(function(playbackRate) {
    // playback rate was set
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'RangeError':
            // the playback rate was less than 0 or greater than 2

            // some other error occurred

getPlayed(): Promise<array, Error>

Get the played time ranges of the video.

player.getPlayed().then(function(played) {
    // played = array values of the played video time ranges.
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getSeekable(): Promise<array, Error>

Get the video time ranges that are seekable.

player.getSeekable().then(function(seekable) {
    // seekable = array values of the seekable video time ranges.
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getSeeking(): Promise<boolean, Error>

Get if the player is currently seeking.

player.getSeeking().then(function(seeking) {
    // seeking = whether the player is seeking or not
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getTextTracks(): Promise<object[], Error>

Get an array of the text tracks that exist for the video. For example:

player.getTextTracks().then(function(tracks) {
    // tracks = an array of track objects
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

Each track object looks like this:

    "label": "English CC",
    "language": "en",
    "kind": "captions",
    "mode": "showing"

Kind can be either captions or subtitles. The mode can be either showing or disabled. Only one track can be showing at any given time; the rest will be disabled.

getVideoEmbedCode(): Promise<string, Error>

Get the <iframe> embed code for the video.

player.getVideoEmbedCode().then(function(embedCode) {
    // embedCode = <iframe> embed code
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getVideoId(): Promise<number, Error>

Get the id of the video.

player.getVideoId().then(function(id) {
    // id = the video id
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getVideoTitle(): Promise<string, Error>

Get the title of the video.

player.getVideoTitle().then(function(title) {
    // title = the title of the video
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getVideoWidth(): Promise<number, Error>

Get the native width of the currently‐playing video. The width of the highest resolution available will be used before playback begins.

player.getVideoWidth().then(function(width) {
    // width = the width of the video that is currently playing
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

getVideoHeight(): Promise<number, Error>

Get the native height of the currently‐playing video. The height of the highest resolution available will be used before playback begins.

player.getVideoHeight().then(function(height) {
    // height = the height of the video that is currently playing
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

To get both the width and height, you can do this:

Promise.all([player.getVideoWidth(), player.getVideoHeight()]).then(function(dimensions) {
    var width = dimensions[0];
    var height = dimensions[1];

getVideoUrl(): Promise<string, (PrivacyError|Error)>

Get the vimeo.com url for the video.

player.getVideoUrl().then(function(url) {
    // url = the vimeo.com url for the video
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'PrivacyError':
            // the url isn’t available because of the video’s privacy setting

            // some other error occurred

getVolume(): Promise<number, Error>

Get the current volume level of the player on a scale from 0 to 1.

Most mobile devices do not support an independent volume from the system volume. In those cases, this method will always return 1.

player.getVolume().then(function(volume) {
    // volume = the volume level of the player
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

setVolume(volume: number): Promise<number, (RangeError|Error)>

Set the volume of the player on a scale from 0 to 1. When set via the API, the volume level will not be synchronized to other players or stored as the viewer’s preference.

Most mobile devices (including iOS and Android) do not support setting the volume because the volume is controlled at the system level. An error will not be triggered in that situation.

player.setVolume(0.5).then(function(volume) {
    // volume was set
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'RangeError':
            // the volume was less than 0 or greater than 1

            // some other error occurred

setTimingSrc(timingObject: TimingObject, options?: TimingSrcConnectorOptions): Promise<TimingSrcConnector>

Syncs a Timing Object to the video player (https://webtiming.github.io/timingobject/)

npm install @vimeo/player timing-object
<div id="handstick"></div>
import Player from '@vimeo/player';
import {TimingObject} from 'timing-object';

const player = new Player('handstick', {
    id: 19231868,
    width: 640

const timingObject = new TimingObject();

// any update to the timing object will reflect in the player

player.setTimingSrc(timingObject, {role: 'controller'})
// any update to the player will reflect in the timing object

See TimingSrcConnectorOptions for available options.

See this demo app which syncs video playback in real-time for all viewers.

getQualities(): Promise<object[], Error>

Get the available qualities of the current video.

player.getQualities().then(function(qualities) {
    // qualities = an array of quality objects
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

Each quality object looks like this:

    "label": "4K",
    "id": "2160p",
    "active": true

getQuality(): Promise<string, Error>

Get the current selected quality.

player.getQuality().then(function(quality) {
    // quality = the current selected quality
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

setQuality(quality: string): Promise<string, (TypeError|Error)>

Set the quality of the video. (available to Plus, PRO and Business accounts)

player.setQuality('720p').then(function(quality) {
    // quality was successfully set
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'TypeError':
            // the quality selected is not valid

            // some other error occurred

getCameraProps(): Promise<object, Error>

Get the current camera properties for a 360° video.

player.getCameraProps().then(function(cameraProps) {
    // cameraProps = the current camera properties
}).catch(function(error) {
    // an error occurred

Each cameraProps object looks like this:

    "yaw": 360,
    "pitch": 90,
    "roll": 180,
    "fov": 45

setCameraProps(cameraProps: object): Promise<object, (RangeError|Error)>

Set the camera properties for a 360° video.

    "yaw": 360,     // Number between 0 and 360, left and right.
    "pitch": 90,    // Number between -90 and 90, up and down.
    "roll": 180,    // Number between -180 and 180.
    "fov": 45       // The field of view in degrees.
}).then(function(cameraProps) {
    // cameraProps was successfully set
}).catch(function(error) {
    switch (error.name) {
        case 'RangeError':
            // one of the camera properties is out of range

            // some other error occurred


You can listen for events in the player by attaching a callback using .on():

player.on('eventName', function(data) {
    // data is an object containing properties specific to that event

The events are similar to the HTML5 video events.

To remove a listener, call .off() with the callback function:

var callback = function() {};

player.off('eventName', callback);

If you pass only an event name, all listeners for that event will be removed.


Triggered when video playback is initiated.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 0
    seconds: 0


Triggered when the video starts playing.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 0
    seconds: 0


Triggered when the video pauses.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 0
    seconds: 0


Triggered any time the video playback reaches the end. Note: when loop is turned on, the ended event will not fire.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 1
    seconds: 61.857


Triggered as the currentTime of the video updates. It generally fires every 250ms, but it may vary depending on the browser.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 0.049
    seconds: 3.034


Triggered as the video is loaded. Reports back the amount of the video that has been buffered.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 0.502
    seconds: 31.052


Triggered when the player starts seeking to a specific time. A timeupdate event will also be fired at the same time.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 0.485
    seconds: 30


Triggered when the player seeks to a specific time. A timeupdate event will also be fired at the same time.

    duration: 61.857
    percent: 0.485
    seconds: 30


Triggered when the active text track (captions/subtitles) changes. The values will be null if text tracks are turned off.

    kind: "captions",
    label: "English CC",
    language: "en"


Triggered when the current chapter changes.

    startTime: 15,
    title: "Chapter 1",
    index: 1

The index property of each chapter is the place it holds in the order of all the chapters. It starts at 1.


Triggered when the active cue for the current text track changes. It also fires when the active text track changes. There may be multiple cues active.

    cues: [
            html: "<i>Here at Vimeo, there's always <br>one thing on our minds:</i>",
            text: "<i>Here at Vimeo, there's always ↵one thing on our minds:</i>"
    kind: "captions",
    label: "English CC",
    language: "en"

The text property of each cue is the raw value parsed from the caption or subtitle file. The html property contains the HTML that the Player renders for that cue.


Triggered when the current time hits a registered cue point.

    time: 15,
    data: {
        customKey: 'customValue'
    id: "40f5722b-09aa-4060-a887-3c81aaa37cce"

The data property will be the custom data provided in the addCuePoint() call, or an empty object if none was provided.


Triggered when the volume in the player changes. Some devices do not support setting the volume of the video independently from the system volume, so this event will never fire on those devices.

    volume: 0.5


Triggered when the playback rate of the video in the player changes. The ability to change rate can be disabled by the creator and the event will not fire for those videos. The new playback rate is returned with the event.

    playbackRate: 1.5


Triggered when buffering starts in the player. This is also triggered during preload and while seeking. There is no associated data with this event.


Triggered when buffering ends in the player. This is also triggered at the end of preload and seeking. There is no associated data with this event.


Triggered when some kind of error is generated in the player. In general if you are using this API library, you should use .catch() on each method call instead of globally listening for error events.

If the error was generated from a method call, the name of that method will be included.

    message: "#984220 does not meet minimum contrast ratio. We recommend using brighter colors. (You could try #d35e30 instead.) See WCAG 2.0 guidelines: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/#visual-audio-contrast"
    method: "setColor"
    name: "ContrastError"


Triggered when a new video is loaded in the player.

    id: 76979871


Triggered when the duration attribute has been updated.

    duration: 60


Triggered when the player enters or exits fullscreen.

    fullscreen: true


Triggered when the set quality changes.

    quality: '720p'


Triggered when any of the camera properties change for 360° videos.

    yaw: 270,
    pitch: 90,
    roll: 0,
    fov: 45


Triggered when the intrinsic size of the media changes.

    videoWidth: 1280,
    videoHeight: 720


Triggered when the player enters picture-in-picture.


Triggered when the player leaves picture-in-picture.


Triggered when the availability of remote playback changes.

Listening for this event is equivalent to the RemotePlayback.watchAvailability() API, except that there is no cancelWatchAvailability(). You can remove the listener for this event instead.


Triggered when the player is attempting to connect to a remote playback device.


Triggered when the player has successfully connected to a remote playback device.


Triggered when the player has disconnected from a remote playback device.


Triggered when a hotspot is clicked.

    action: 'seek', // event, none, overlay, seek, url
    actionPreference: {
        pauseOnAction: false, // on `event`, `overlay`, `seek`, `url` action
        overlayId: 864334, // on `overlay` action
        seekTo: 30, // on `seek` action
        url: 'https://your-url.com', // on `url` action
    currentTime: 15.585,
    customPayloadData: null,
    hotspotId: 8148223


Triggered when the overlay panel (buttons or images) within the interactive overlay is clicked.

    action: 'seek', // clickthrough, close, event, none, seek
    actionPreference: {
        pauseOnAction: true, // on `close`, `seek` action
        seekTo: 30, // on `seek` action
        url: 'https://your-url.com', // on `clickthrough` action
    currentTime: 25.67,
    customPayloadData: null,
    overlayId: 864334,
    panelId: 'c47193a0-8320-4572-9bcd-8425851b36e9'
npm i @vimeo/player


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Vimeo
  • released 8/20/2024
