
Express middleware for verifying Venndr webhook signatures
venndr webhooks express

Webhook signature verifier middleware for Express

Use this middleware to verify webhook payloads against their signature, before handing over control to your handler.


npm install --save @venndr/express-webhook-verifier

The key fetcher

This middleware requires a key fetcher – a function that receives the key version as argument and should return a Promise<crypto.KeyObject>.

A key fetcher that satisfies basic use cases is available in the Venndr Node SDK. See @venndr/public-key-fetcher for more detailed information.


Important! This middleware must be preceded by the express.raw(), or an equivalent, middleware. Our recommendation is to not install a global body decoder and only decode payloads for those handlers that expect one.

On successful verification the parsed payload is assigned to request.body. On failed verification request.body is set to null and an error will be passed to next().


import express from "express";
import { keyFetcher } from "@venndr/public-key-fetcher";
import { verifyWebhookSignature } from "@venndr/express-webhook-verifier";

const app = express();

const slurpBody = express.raw({ type: "application/json" });
const checkSignature = verifyWebhookSignature(keyFetcher());
const verifyPayload = [slurpBody, checkSignature];

app.post("/webhooks", ...verifyPayload, (req, res) => {
  console.log(`received valid webhook with payload ${req.body}`);


app.listen(process.env.PORT ?? "8080")

Development mode

To skip the signature verification the UNSAFE_SKIP_WEBHOOK_VERIFY environment variable can be set to any non-empty value. This should only be used during development and never in production.

npm i @venndr/[email protected]


  • ISC
  • >=18.0.0
  • Music Glue Tech
  • released 12/7/2023
