
The highest performance way to call the Optic engine by providing native ways to call the Optic engine, enabling concurrency through threads:

Native interface to Optic Engine

The highest performance way to call the Optic engine by providing native ways to call the Optic engine, enabling concurrency through threads:

  • CLI binary. Pre-built binaries for all supported versions are published for every published version of Optic.
  • Node.js library, which installs a pre-built binary upon installation as an npm package and spawns a new process for each call to it. Typescript definitions come included.

Development Dependencies

This project is written in Rust. To install all the basics you need (Rust compiler + Cargo) to make a build, the recommended way is to use the official Rust Up project. On Linux or macOS, that comes down to running (if you trust executing curled shell scripts):

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

If you're on Windows or want to know more about how to get the basic Rust toolchain in place, this Installation Chapter of the Official Rust Book.

Building the binary and accompanying Node.js

The recommended way to build a development binary is to use the following commands from the repository root:

$ task workspaces:build


To use the CLI directly, in repository root run:

$ cargo run

error: The following required arguments were not provided:

    optic_diff [FLAGS] <SPEC_PATH> [SUBCOMMAND]

For more information try --help

For use in Node.js, install the npm package and import it:

// CommonJS
const OpticEngine = require('@useoptic/optic-engine-native');

// ESM / Typescript
import * as OpticEngine from '@useoptic/optic-engine-native';

Running end-to-end

To test the development binary packages through the Optic product, as opposed to running the automated tests, use the standalone cli-server:

$ task workspaces:build
$ node --inspect-brk workspaces/cli-server/build/standalone-server.js /path/to/your/api/project

Or, run the apidev start command made available through source sourceme.sh from the repository root, which runs the cli-server as a daemon. Because it is a daemon, you may need to restart it via apidev daemon:stop to pick up the latest changes:

$ source sourceme.sh
$ apidev start
npm i @useoptic/optic-engine-native


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 8/26/2021
