
Certainly! Here's a README file for your Upstash Bootstrapper:

Certainly! Here's a README file for your Upstash Bootstrapper:

# Upstash Bootstrapper

Upstash Bootstrapper is a command-line tool designed to quickly set up new TypeScript projects with a selection of popular development tools and configurations.

## Features

- Interactive CLI for easy project setup
- Support for multiple package managers (Bun and pnpm)
- Configurable tool selection:
  - Prettier
  - ESLint
  - Commitlint
  - Husky
  - tsup

## Prerequisites

- Node.js (version 14 or later)
- Bun or pnpm package manager

## Installation

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/upstash-bootstrapper.git

# Navigate to the project directory
cd upstash-bootstrapper

# Install dependencies
bun install


Run the bootstrapper with:

bun start

Follow the interactive prompts to:

  1. Enter your project name
  2. Select the development tools you want to set up
  3. Choose your preferred package manager (Bun or pnpm)

The bootstrapper will then:

  • Create a new project directory
  • Initialize a Git repository
  • Set up the selected tools with sensible default configurations
  • Update the package.json with appropriate scripts

Configured Tools


  • Consistent code formatting
  • Configuration file: prettier.config.mjs


  • Static code analysis
  • Configuration file: .eslintrc.json


  • Enforces conventional commit messages
  • Configuration file: commitlint.config.js


  • Git hooks for running scripts before commits and pushes
  • Configured hooks:
    • pre-commit: Runs linting, formatting, and tests
    • pre-push: Runs the build script
    • commit-msg: Checks commit message format


  • TypeScript build tool
  • Configuration file: tsup.config.ts


The bootstrapper adds several npm scripts to your package.json:

  • prepare: Installs Husky hooks
  • lint: Runs ESLint
  • fmt: Runs Prettier
  • build: Runs tsup build
  • test: Runs tests (using the selected package manager)
  • format: Runs Prettier (write mode)
  • format:check: Runs Prettier (check mode)
  • lint:fix: Runs ESLint with auto-fix
  • lint:format: Runs both linting and formatting fixes


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

npm i @upstash/bootstrapper


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Oguzhan Olguncu
  • released 7/22/2024
