
Unrevealed SDK for React
unrevealed react feature flag feature toggle feature switch release

React SDK

Integrate Unrevealed in your front-end applications

Getting Started

npm install @unrevealed/react
yarn add @unrevealed/react
pnpm install @unrevealed/react



The first thing you need to do is add the Unrevealed provider at the root of your app. To generate a client key, go to the Api Keys menu in the app and create one. Select Client as the target SDK.

You should use different API keys for different environments.

import { UnrevealedProvider } from '@unrevealed/react';

function App() {
  return (
    <UnrevealedProvider clientKey={yourApiKey}>
      <MainApp />


Provider Prop Type Note
clientKey* string Generate an API key of type Client on Unrevealed


You can use the identify function returned from the useIdentify hook to set the current user and team. Both are optional, but if your logged in user is part of an organization, or is currently in the context of a specific workspace of your app, we highly recommend you pass both.

import { useIdentify } from '@unrevealed/react';

function Login() {
  const { identify } = useIdentify();
  // ...

  const login = () => {
    // ...
      user: {
        id: user.id,
        traits: {
          email: user.email,
          name: user.name,
          // ...
      team: {
        id: team.id,
        traits: {
          name: team.name,
          plan: team.plan,
          // ...

Checking if a feature is enabled

import { useFeature } from '@unrevealed/react';

function Component() {
  const { enabled, loading } = useFeature('user-access');

  if (loading) {
    // sdk is loading features
    // you don't have to check this every time, but it can be useful if your users experience unwanted flickering in your app

  if (enabled) {
    // feature is enabled for the current user
  } else {
    // feature is disabled

Type safety

You can make the identify function and useFeature hooks type safe by using the code generator, and defining the traits of your users and teams in the app.

Feature Toggler Widget

When using Unrevealed in development, you might need to check how the UI responds when a feature is disabled. You can do this without changing the feature's stage in the webapp, or changing your code, by using the Feature Toggler.

import { UnrevealedProvider, FeatureToggler } from '@unrevealed/react';

function App() {
  return (
    <UnrevealedProvider clientKey={yourClientKey}>
      {process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && <FeatureToggler />}
      <MainApp />
Toggle feature on and off in development
Toggle feature on and off in development
npm i @unrevealed/react


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unrevealed
  • released 12/1/2023

