
Functions for modifying a unified-latex AST
pegjs latex parser prettier unified-latex unified


What is this?

Functions to help modify a unified-latex Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).

When should I use this?

If you want to recursively replace particular AST nodes.


npm install @unified-latex/unified-latex-util-replace

This package contains both esm and commonjs exports. To explicitly access the esm export, import the .js file. To explicitly access the commonjs export, import the .cjs file.



Unified plugin to replace all found streaming commands with their argument-style equivalents. This only applies to sections of the tree with no math ancestor.


unified().use(unifiedLatexReplaceStreamingCommands[, options])




Plugin<PluginOptions[], Ast.Root, Ast.Root>

function unifiedLatexReplaceStreamingCommands(
  options: PluginOptions
): (tree: Ast.Root) => void;


type PluginOptions = {
  replacers: Record<
    (content: Ast.Node[], streamingCommand: Ast.Macro) => Ast.Node | Ast.Node[]


firstSignificantNode(nodes, parbreaksAreInsignificant)

Returns the first non-whitespace/non-comment node in nodes. If there is no such node, null is returned.

function firstSignificantNode(
  nodes: Ast.Node[],
  parbreaksAreInsignificant: Boolean
): Ast.Node;


Param Type
nodes Ast.Node[]
parbreaksAreInsignificant Boolean

firstSignificantNodeIndex(nodes, parbreaksAreInsignificant)

Returns the index of the first non-whitespace/non-comment node in nodes. If there is no such node, null is returned.

function firstSignificantNodeIndex(
  nodes: Ast.Node[],
  parbreaksAreInsignificant: Boolean
): number;


Param Type
nodes Ast.Node[]
parbreaksAreInsignificant Boolean

lastSignificantNode(nodes, parbreaksAreInsignificant)

Returns the last non-whitespace/non-comment node in nodes. If there is no such node, null is returned.

function lastSignificantNode(
  nodes: Ast.Node[],
  parbreaksAreInsignificant: Boolean
): Ast.Node;


Param Type
nodes Ast.Node[]
parbreaksAreInsignificant Boolean

lastSignificantNodeIndex(nodes, parbreaksAreInsignificant)

Returns the index of the last non-whitespace/non-comment node in nodes. If there is no such node, null is returned.

function lastSignificantNodeIndex(
  nodes: Ast.Node[],
  parbreaksAreInsignificant: Boolean
): number;


Param Type
nodes Ast.Node[]
parbreaksAreInsignificant Boolean

replaceNode(ast, visitor)

Recursively replace nodes in ast. The visitor function is called on each node. If visitor returns a node or an array of nodes, those nodes replace the node passed to visitor. If null is returned, the node is deleted. If undefined is returned, no replacement happens.

function replaceNode(
  ast: Ast.Ast,
  visitor: (
    node: Ast.Node | Ast.Argument,
    info: VisitInfo
  ) =>
    | Ast.Node
    | Ast.Argument
    | (Ast.Node | Ast.Argument)[]
    | null
    | undefined
    | void
): void;


Param Type
ast Ast.Ast
visitor Omitted

replaceNodeDuringVisit(replacement, info)

Replaces the current node with replacement. It is assumed that the current node is in an array that is a child of a parent element. If this is not the case, the function will error.

function replaceNodeDuringVisit(
  replacement: Ast.Node | Ast.Argument | (Ast.Node | Ast.Argument)[],
  info: VisitInfo
): void;


Param Type
replacement Omitted
info VisitInfo


type VisitInfo = {
   * If the element was accessed via an attribute, the attribute key is specified.
  readonly key: string | undefined;
   * If the element was accessed in an array, the index is specified.
  readonly index: number | undefined;
   * A list of ancestor nodes, `[parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, ...]`
  readonly parents: (Ast.Node | Ast.Argument)[];
   * If the element was accessed in an array, the array that it is part of.
  readonly containingArray: (Ast.Node | Ast.Argument)[] | undefined;
   * The LaTeX context of the current match.
  readonly context: VisitorContext;

replaceStreamingCommand(ast, isStreamingCommand, replacer, options)

Given a group or a node array, look for streaming commands (e.g., \bfseries) and replace them with the specified macro. The "arguments" of the streaming command are passed to replacer and the return value of replacer is inserted into the stream.

By default, this command will split at parbreaks (since commands like \textbf{...} do not accept parbreaks in their contents) and call replacer` multiple times, once per paragraph.

Commands are also split at environments and at any macros listed in macrosThatBreakPars.

function replaceStreamingCommand(
  ast: Ast.Group | Ast.Node[],
  isStreamingCommand: (node: any) => node is Ast.Macro,
  replacer: (
    content: Ast.Node[],
    streamingCommand: Ast.Macro
  ) => Ast.Node | Ast.Node[],
  options: {
    macrosThatBreakPars?: string[];
    environmentsThatDontBreakPars?: string[];
): Ast.Node[];


Param Type
ast Ast.Group | Ast.Node[]
isStreamingCommand Omitted
replacer Omitted
options Omitted

replaceStreamingCommandInGroup(group, isStreamingCommand, replacer, options)

Process streaming commands in a group. If needed, "escape" the group. For example, {\bfseries xx} -> \textbf{xx}, but {foo \bfseries xx} -> {foo \textbf{xx}}.

function replaceStreamingCommandInGroup(
  group: Ast.Group,
  isStreamingCommand: (node: any) => node is Ast.Macro,
  replacer: (
    content: Ast.Node[],
    streamingCommand: Ast.Macro
  ) => Ast.Node | Ast.Node[],
  options: {
    macrosThatBreakPars?: string[];
    environmentsThatDontBreakPars?: string[];
): Ast.Node[];


Param Type
group Ast.Group
isStreamingCommand Omitted
replacer Omitted
options Omitted
npm i @unified-latex/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jason Siefken
  • released 3/5/2023

