
Create, develop and deploy Flex plugins using the Twilio CLI
twilio flex twilio flex flex plugins flex plugins cli flex plugins api oclif-plugin


Twilio CLI plugin to interact with the Flex Plugin Builder

This plugin adds functionality to the Twilio CLI to locally develop, build and deploy Twilio Flex plugins; it uses the Flex Plugin Builder.


Install the Twilio CLI

Via npm or yarn:

$ npm install -g twilio-cli
$ yarn global add twilio-cli

Via homebrew:

$ brew tap twilio/brew && brew install twilio


$ twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-flex

$ twilio --help flex

  $ twilio flex


twilio flex:plugins:archive:configuration

Archives a Flex Plugin Configuration. Archived Plugin Configurations cannot be deployed to your Flex application and cannot be undone. Exercise extreme caution when using this command.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:archive:configuration

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --sid=sid                        (required) The Flex Plugin Configuration SID to archive.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/archive/configuration.js

twilio flex:plugins:archive:plugin

Archives a Flex Plugin. Archived Plugins cannot be enabled on your Flex application and cannot be undone. Exercise extreme caution when using this command.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:archive:plugin

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --name=name                      (required) The name of the Flex Plugin to archive.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/archive/plugin.js

twilio flex:plugins:archive:plugin-version

Archives a Flex Plugin Version. Archived Plugin Versions cannot be enabled on your Flex application and cannot be undone. Exercise extreme caution when using this command.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:archive:plugin-version

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --name=name                      (required) The Flex Plugin name of the Plugin Version to archive.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
  --version=version                (required) The Flex Plugin Version to archive.

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/archive/plugin-version.js

twilio flex:plugins:build

Builds the Flex plugin and creates a JavaScript and sourcemap bundle. This command needs to be invoked inside a plugin directory.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:build

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/build.js

twilio flex:plugins:create NAME

Creates a new Twilio Flex Plugin project

  $ twilio flex:plugins:create NAME

  NAME  Creates a new Twilio Flex Plugin project

        name	Name of your plugin.

  -a, --accountSid=accountSid      The Account SID for your Flex Project
  -h, --help=help
  -i, --install                    Auto-install dependencies
  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  -r, --runtimeUrl                 The URL to your Twilio Flex Runtime
  -s, --typescript                 Create a TypeScript project
  -t, --template=template          A GitHub URL that contains your template
  -v, --version=version
  -y, --yarn                       Use yarn as your dependency manager
  --flexui1                        Creates a plugin compatible with Flex UI major version 1.0
  --flexui2                        Creates a plugin compatible with Flex UI major version 2.0
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

  name	Name of your plugin. This command needs to be invoked inside a plugin directory.

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/create.js

twilio flex:plugins:create-configuration

Creates a Flex Plugin Configuration. This command needs to be invoked inside a plugin directory.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:create-configuration

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.

  --description=description        (required) [default: The description of this Flex Plugin Configuration.] The
                                   description of this Flex Plugin Configuration.

  --disable-plugin=disable-plugin  The plugin to disable, formatted as pluginName. Use additional --disable-plugin to
                                   provide other plugins to disable.

  --enable-plugin=enable-plugin    The plugin to enable, formatted as pluginName@version. You may use pluginName@latest
                                   as a shortcut for enabling the latest version of the plugin. Use additional
                                   --enable-plugin to provide other plugins to enable.

  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.

  --name=name                      (required) [default: Autogenerated Release 1727187226070] The friendly name of the
                                   Flex Plugin Configuration.

  --new                            Creates a new Flex Plugin Configuration, otherwise will append to existing active

  --plugin=plugin                  Alias for --enable-plugin.

  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/create-configuration.js

twilio flex:plugins:deploy

Builds and deploys a new version of the Flex plugin to your Flex application. This command needs to be invoked inside a plugin directory.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:deploy

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.

  --bypass-validation              Validates the plugin and continues to plugin deployment ignoring validation issues,
                                   if any.

  --changelog=changelog            (required) The changes (added/removed) made in this plugin version.

  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.

  --description=description        The description of this Flex plugin.

  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.

  --major                          Publishes the version as a major (SemVer).

  --minor                          Publishes the version as a minor (SemVer).

  --patch                          Publishes the version as a patch (SemVer); this is the default.

  --public                         Publishes the plugin as a public Twilio Asset; default is private.

  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

  --version=version                Publishes the version (SemVer).

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/deploy.js

twilio flex:plugins:describe:configuration

Provides details of the Flex Plugin Configuration like status, description and its associated Plugins.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:describe:configuration

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --sid=sid                        (required) The Flex Plugin Configuration SID.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/describe/configuration.js

twilio flex:plugins:describe:plugin

Provides details of the Flex Plugin like status, description and its Flex Plugin Versions.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:describe:plugin

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --name=name                      (required) The name of the Flex Plugin to describe.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/describe/plugin.js

twilio flex:plugins:describe:plugin-version

Provides details of the Flex Plugin Version like changelog, status and the url of the plugin package.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:describe:plugin-version

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --name=name                      (required) The Flex Plugin name of the Plugin Version to describe.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
  --version=version                (required) The Flex Plugin Version to describe.

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/describe/plugin-version.js

twilio flex:plugins:describe:release

Provides details of the Flex Plugin Release like the underlying Plugin Configuration and Plugins.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:describe:release

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --active                         The most recent release to describe.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --sid=sid                        The Flex Plugin Release SID to describe.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/describe/release.js

twilio flex:plugins:diff ID1 [ID2]

Finds the diff between two Flex Plugin Configurations.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:diff ID1 [ID2]

  ID1  The first Flex Plugin Configuration SID.
  ID2  The second Flex Plugin Configuration SID.

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/diff.js

twilio flex:plugins:list:configurations

Lists the Flex Plugin Configuration on the account.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:list:configurations

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/list/configurations.js

twilio flex:plugins:list:plugin-versions

Lists the Flex Plugin Versions on the account.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:list:plugin-versions

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --name=name                      (required) The plugin name to list its versions.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/list/plugin-versions.js

twilio flex:plugins:list:plugins

Lists the Flex Plugins on the account.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:list:plugins

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/list/plugins.js

twilio flex:plugins:list:releases

Lists the Flex Releases on the account.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:list:releases

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/list/releases.js

twilio flex:plugins:release

Creates a Flex Plugin Release. Enables the plugins (passed as params or via the Flex Configuration) on your Flex application.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:release

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)        [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)             [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile                  Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                       Clears the terminal before running the command.

  --configuration-sid=configuration-sid  The Flex Plugin Configuration SID to release; other options are not required
                                         when using this option.

  --description=description              [default: The description of this Flex Plugin Configuration.] The description
                                         of this Flex Plugin Configuration.

  --disable-plugin=disable-plugin        The plugin to disable, formatted as pluginName. Use additional --disable-plugin
                                         to provide other plugins to disable.

  --enable-plugin=enable-plugin          The plugin to enable, formatted as pluginName@version. You may use
                                         pluginName@latest as a shortcut for enabling the latest version of the plugin.
                                         Use additional --enable-plugin to provide other plugins to enable.

  --json                                 Outputs the result of the command as json string.

  --name=name                            [default: Autogenerated Release 1727187226070] The friendly name of the Flex
                                         Plugin Configuration.

  --new                                  Creates a new Flex Plugin Configuration, otherwise will append to existing
                                         active Configuration.

  --plugin=plugin                        Alias for --enable-plugin.

  --silent                               Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/release.js

twilio flex:plugins:start

Starts a dev-server to build the Flex plugin locally.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:start

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --include-remote                 Use this flag to include all remote plugins in your build.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.

  --name=name                      The name of the plugin you would like to run. You can provide multiple to run them
                                   all concurrently. You can include specific active remote plugins using "--name
                                   'plugin-name@remote'" or "--name '[email protected]'" for a specific remote version.

  --port=port                      [default: 3000] The port to start your local development server on.

  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/start.js

twilio flex:plugins:test

Runs the test suite. This command needs to be invoked inside a plugin directory.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:test

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/test.js

twilio flex:plugins:upgrade-plugin

Upgrades your plugin to use the latest version of the Plugin CLI.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:upgrade-plugin

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --beta                           If set, will upgrade to the latest beta version.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --dev                            If set, will upgrade to the latest dev version.
  --flex-ui-2.0                    Update your plugin dependencies to be compatible with Flex UI 2.0.
  --install                        If set, will install the dependencies.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --nightly                        If set, will upgrade to the latest nightly version.

  --remove-legacy-plugin           Deletes legacy plugin bundle hosted on Twilio Assets (deployed via plugin builder

  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

  --yarn                           Use yarn for installation.

  --yes                            If set, will answer yes to all prompts.

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/upgrade-plugin.js

twilio flex:plugins:validate

Validates the Flex plugin by looking for any issues that could potentially break the plugin when in use. Generates a report with the identified issues, if any.

  $ twilio flex:plugins:validate

  -l=(debug|info|warn|error|none)  [default: info] Level of logging messages.
  -o=(columns|json|tsv|none)       [default: columns] Format of command output.
  -p, --profile=profile            Shorthand identifier for your profile.
  --clear-terminal                 Clears the terminal before running the command.
  --flex-ui-2.0                    Validates the Flex plugin for compatibility with the latest Flex UI 2.x version.
  --json                           Outputs the result of the command as json string.
  --silent                         Suppress  output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".

See code: dist/commands/flex/plugins/validate.js

npm i @twilio-labs/plugin-flex


  • MIT
  • ^16 || ^18 || ^20
  • Flex Runtime
  • released 9/24/2024
