
EIP-1193 Provider for Turnkey.
Turnkey EIP-1193 Ethereum Ethereum Provider

Turnkey EIP-1193 Provider

The @turnkey/eip-1193-provider package delivers a Turnkey-compatible Ethereum provider that adheres to the EIP-1193 standards. It's built to integrate seamlessly with a broad spectrum of EVM-compatible chains, offering capabilities like account management, transaction signing, and blockchain interaction. This initial setup is intended for use in conjunction with the @turnkey/http and @turnkey/webauthn-stamper package, for initial authentication.


Before you start using the Turnkey EIP-1193 Provider, make sure to install the necessary packages in your project. This guide assumes you have a Node.js environment ready for development.

Install the required packages using NPM or Yarn:

npm install @turnkey/eip-1193-provider @turnkey/http @turnkey/webauthn-stamper
pnpm add @turnkey/eip-1193-provider @turnkey/http @turnkey/webauthn-stamper
yarn add @turnkey/eip-1193-provider @turnkey/http @turnkey/webauthn-stamper


To set up the Turnkey EIP-1193 Provider, you need to initialize it with your configuration, which includes setting up the Turnkey client with your base URL and stamper.

import { WebauthnStamper } from "@turnkey/webauthn-stamper";
import { TurnkeyClient } from "@turnkey/http";

const stamper = new WebauthnStamper({
  rpId: "example.com",

// Initialize the Turnkey HTTP client
const turnkeyClient = new TurnkeyClient(
  { baseUrl: "https://api.turnkey.com" },

// Get the organizationId of the sub-organization connected to the users account
const { organizationId } = await turnkeyClient.getWhoami({
  organizationId: process.env.ORGANIZATION_ID,

// Get the user wallets associated with their sub-organization
const { wallets } = await turnkeyClient.getWallets({

// Get the walletId to connect to the provider
const walletId = wallets[0].walletId;

const chain = {
  chainName: "Ethereum Mainnet",
  chainId: "0x1",
  rpcUrls: ["https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/your-infura-project-id"],

// Initialize the EIP-1193 Provider with your configuration
const provider = await createEIP1193Provider({
  chains: [
    // Add more chains as needed



Requests the user to provide an Ethereum address for identification, as specified by EIP-1102. This method initiates connectivity with the client and will prompt for passkey authentication.

const accounts = await provider.request({ method: "eth_requestAccounts" });
// Logs the array accounts associated with the provided walletId & organization

Authentication Prompt Methods

The following methods also prompt for passkey authentication:

  • personal_sign: Signs a message with the specified account.
  • eth_sign: Signs data with the specified account.
  • eth_signTransaction: Signs a transaction with the specified account.
  • eth_signTypedData_v4: Signs typed data according to EIP-712 with the specified account.
  • eth_sendTransaction: Submits a transaction to the network for execution.

Testing (Local)

  1. Copy .env.example to .env.local
cp .env.example .env
  1. Start the Anvil node in one shell:
pnpm anvil
  1. Run the tests in a new shell:
pnpm test


We welcome contributions to improve the Turnkey EIP-1193 Provider. Please follow the project's contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under LICENSE, with detailed information available in the repository.

npm i @turnkey/[email protected]

