
a react native library for tryCourier integration
react-native ios android


a react native library for trycourier integration


npm install @trycourier/react-native-inbox react-native-linear-gradient
yarn add @trycourier/react-native-inbox react-native-linear-gradient

for ios development, navigate to ios folder in project repository and update pod

pod update


wrap your parent component using CourierProvider, provide clientKey, userId , brandId as props

import React from 'react';
import { CourierProvider } from '@trycourier/react-native-inbox';

export default function App() {
  return (
    <CourierProvider clientKey={CLIENT_KEY} userId={USER_ID} brandId={BRAND_ID}>

import and use CourierScreen anywhere in your child component

import { CourierScreen } from '@trycourier/react-native-inbox';

const Demo = () => {
  return (
      <CourierScreen onMessageClick={message => {
          console.log('clicked message data', message);
      }} />

the bellIcon

import { BellIcon } from '@trycourier/react-native-inbox';

function BellIconScreen() {
  return (
      <BellIcon showUnreadMessageCount size="md" />

CourierProvider props

prop description default type
onNewMessage custom function to execute on getting a new Message undefined (message: ICourierMessage) => void

CourierScreen props

prop description default type
onMessageClick custom function to execute on pressing a Message undefined (message: MessageType) => void

BellIcon props

prop description default type
showUnreadMessageCount shows number of unread messages as badge false boolean
size sets height and width of the bell icon and badge size "md" "md" | "sm" | "lg"
render renders custom component undefined (_numberOfUnreadMessages: number) => JSX.Element

you can find a proper implementation example here.



npm i @trycourier/react-native-inbox


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • fahad991
  • released 1/27/2023
