
Wallet adapter for WalletConnect wallet.
TRON TronWeb walletconnect


This package provides an adapter to enable TRON DApps to connect to WalletConnect.


npm i @tronweb3/tronwallet-adapter-walletconnect
# yarn add @tronweb3/tronwallet-adapter-walletconnect

If you are working in a typescript project, you must set skipLibCheck: true in tsconfig.json.


import { WalletConnectAdapter } from '@tronweb3/tronwallet-adapter-walletconnect';
import TronWeb from 'tronweb';

const tronWeb = new TronWeb({
    fullHost: 'https://api.trongrid.io',
    headers: { 'TRON-PRO-API-KEY': 'your api key' },

const adapter = new WalletConnectAdapter({
    network: 'Nile',
    options: {
        relayUrl: 'wss://relay.walletconnect.com',
        // example walletconnect app project ID
        projectId: 'e899c82be21d4acca2c8aec45e893598',
        metadata: {
            name: 'Example App',
            description: 'Example App',
            url: 'https://yourdapp-url.com',
            icons: ['https://yourdapp-url.com/icon.png'],
    web3ModalConfig: {
        themeMode: 'dark',
        themeVariables: {
            '--wcm-z-index': 1000,
         * Recommended Wallets are fetched from WalletConnect explore api:
         * https://walletconnect.com/explorer?type=wallet&version=2.
         * You can copy these ids from the page.
        explorerRecommendedWalletIds: [
// connect
await adapter.connect();

// then you can get address

// create a send TRX transaction
const unSignedTransaction = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(targetAddress, 100, adapter.address);
// using adapter to sign the transaction
const signedTransaction = await adapter.signTransaction(unSignedTransaction);
// broadcast the transaction
await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction);



  • Constructor(config: WalletConnectAdapterConfig)
    interface WalletConnectAdapterConfig {
         * Network to use, one of Mainnet, Shasta, Nile
         * Default: Nile
        network: 'Mainnet' | 'Shasta' | 'Nile';
         * Options passed to WalletConnect client
        options: {
            projectId: '<YOUR PROJECT ID>';
            // optional parameters
            relayUrl: '<YOUR RELAY URL>';
            metadata: {
                name: 'Wallet name';
                description: 'A short description for your wallet';
                url: "<YOUR WALLET'S URL>";
                icons: ["<URL TO WALLET'S LOGO/ICON>"];
         * Config for web3Modal constructor.
         * Detailed documentation can be found in WalletConnect page: https://docs.walletconnect.com/2.0/web/web3modal/html/wagmi/options.
         * - `walletConnectVersion` will be ignored and will be set to 2.
         * - `projectId` will be ignored and will be set with `options.projectId`.
        web3ModalConfig?: WalletConnectWeb3ModalConfig;
    More detail about WalletConnect client options please refer to the WalletConnect document.


  • multiSign() and switchChain(chainId: string) are not supported.

For more information about wallet adapter, please refer to @tronweb3/tronwallet-adapters.

npm i @tronweb3/tronwallet-adapter-walletconnect


  • MIT
  • >=16
  • web3-geek
  • released 9/24/2024
