
Abstract interface definition of Evm Wallet Adapters.


This is the abstract interface definition of Evm Wallet Adapters. All wallet adapters implement abstract interface to provide unified interface.

API Reference


The Adapter class defines the common interface for all adapters of specified wallets.


  • constructor(options): adapter constructor method, an optional config is valid. For detailed options type, refer to the specified adapter.
  • MetaMask Adapter


  • name: The name of the adapter.
  • url: The website of the adapter's wallet.
  • icon: The icon of the adapter's wallet.
  • readyState: The wallet's state, which includes three value:
    • Loading: When adapter is checking if the wallet is available or not.
    • NotFound: The wallet is not detected in current browser.
    • Found: The wallet is detected in current browser.
  • address: The address of current account when the adapter is connected.
  • connecting: Whether the adapter is trying to connect to the wallet.
  • connected: Whether the adapter is connected to the wallet.


  • connect(): Promise<string>: connect to the wallet. If the wallet is not avaliable, this method will throw an WalletNotFoundError.

  • signMessage(params: { message: string, address?: string }): Promise<string>: Sign a string, return the signature. If address is omitted, the default is adapter.address.

    const message = 'Hello Web3!';
    const signature = await adapter.signMessage({ message });
  • signTypedData(params: { typedData: Object, address?: string }): Promise<string>: Sign a typed data, return the signature. If address is omitted, the default is adapter.address.

    It follows the EIP-712 specification to allow users to sign typed structured data that can be verified on-chain

    const typedData = {
        domain: {
            chainId: 1,
            name: 'Ether Mail',
            verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC',
            version: '1',
        primaryType: 'Mail',
        types: {
            Mail: [
                { name: 'from', type: 'string' },
                { name: 'to', type: 'string' },
                { name: 'contents', type: 'string' },
        message: {
            from: '0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB',
            to: '0xB0BdaBea57B0BDABeA57b0bdABEA57b0BDabEa57',
            contents: 'Hello',
    const signature = await adapter.signTypedData({ typedData: typedData });
  • sendTransaction(transaction?): Sign and send a transaction, return the signature. The parameter is the same as eth_sendTransaction JSON-RPC request.

    const transaction = {
        from: adapter.address, // The user's active address.
        to: 'address', // Required except during contract publications.
        value: 1000, // Only required to send ether to the recipient from the initiating external account.
        gasLimit: '0x5028', // Customizable by the user during MetaMask confirmation.
        maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x3b9aca00', // Customizable by the user during MetaMask confirmation.
        maxFeePerGas: '0x2540be400', // Customizable by the user during MetaMask confirmation.
    const signature = await adapter.sendTransaction(transaction);
  • addChain(chainInfo: Chain): Promise<null>: Add the specified chain to wallet using wallet_addEthereumChain request. This method is specified by EIP-3085.

    const chainInfo = {
        chainId: '0x539',
        chainName: 'Localhost',
        nativeCurrency: {
            name: 'Ethereum Token',
            symbol: 'ETH',
            decimals: 18,
        rpcUrls: ['http://localhost:8545'],
    await adapter.addChain(chainInfo);
  • switchChain(chainId: string): Promise<null>;: request wallet to switch chain by chainId, the chain ID as a 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string. This method is specified by EIP-3326.

    await adapter.switchChain('0x539');
  • watchAsset(asset: Asset): Promise<null>: Requests that the user track the specified ERC-20 token or NFT(s) in the wallet. This method is specified by EIP-747.

    const assetInfo = {
        type: 'ERC20',
        options: {
            address: '0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155',
            symbol: 'FOO',
            decimals: 18,
            image: 'https://foo.io/token-image.svg',
    await adapter.watchAsset(assetInfo);

    The parameter is an object containing the following metadata of the token to watch:

    • type - Supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 tokens. Support for ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens is experimental and currently only available on the extension (not on mobile).
    • options - An object containing:
      • address - The address of the token contract.
      • symbol - The symbol of the token, up to 11 characters (optional for ERC-20 tokens).
      • decimals - The number of token decimals (optional for ERC-20 tokens).
      • image - A URL string of the token logo (optional for ERC-20 tokens).
      • tokenId - The unique identifier of the NFT (required for ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens).


Adapter extends the EventEmitter class in eventemitter3 package. So you can listen to the events by adapter.on('connect', function() {}).

Events are as follows:

  • readyStateChanged(state: WalletReadyState): Emit when wallet's readyState is changed. The parameter is the state of wallet:
    enum WalletReadyState {
         * Adapter will start to check if wallet exists after adapter instance is created.
        Loading = 'Loading',
         * When checking ends and wallet is not found, readyState will be NotFound.
        NotFound = 'NotFound',
         * When checking ends and wallet is found, readyState will be Found.
        Found = 'Found',
  • accountsChanged(address: string, preAddress: string): Emit when the user's exposed account address changes.
adapter.on('accountsChanged', (accounts: Array<string>) => {
    if (accounts.length > 0) {
        // the wallet connected and you can call adapter.signMessage() or adapter.sendTransaction()
    } else {
        // the wallet is disconnected
  • chainChanged(chainId: number): Emit when users change the current selected chain in wallet. The parameter is the new network infomation:
adapter.on('chainChanged', handler: (chainId: string) => void);
  • connect(address): Emit when the wallet is first able to submit RPC requests to a chain.
interface ConnectInfo {
  chainId: string;

adapter.on('connect', handler: (connectInfo: ConnectInfo) => void);
  • disconnect(): Emit if it becomes unable to submit RPC requests to a chain. In general, this only happens due to network connectivity issues or some unforeseen error.
interface ProviderRpcError extends Error {
  message: string;
  code: number;
  data?: unknown;
adapter.on('disconnect', handler: (error: ProviderRpcError) => void);

The more detailed information for connect/disconnect/accountsChanged/chainChanged is specified in EIP-1193.


WalletError is a superclass which defines the error when using adapter. All error types are extended from this class. Developers can check the error type according to the error instance.

try {
    // do something here
} catch (error: WalletError) {
    if (error instanceof WalletNotFoundError) {
        console.log('Wallet is not found');

All errors are as follows:

  • WalletNotFoundError: Occurs when wallet is not installed.
  • WalletDisconnectedError: Occurs when wallet is disconnected. Used by some wallets which won't connect automatically when call signMessage() or signTransaction().
  • WalletConnectionError: Occurs when try to connect a wallet.

Following exmaple shows how to get original error info with WalletError:

const adapter = new MetaMaskAdapter();
try {
    await adapter.connect();
} catch (e: any) {
    const originalError = e.error;
npm i @tronweb3/abstract-adapter-evm


  • MIT
  • >=16
  • web3-geek
  • released 9/24/2024
