
A tool to quickly generate Triply ETL projects.

TriplyETL Generator

This is a tool for TriplyETL. It helps users to quickly set up ETL's using a CLI wizard.

Install and usage

Required software on your computer:

Make sure you have Node.jS and Git installed:

You will also need a Triply Software token (not to be confused with a TriplyDB Access token). If you do not have such a token, this generator will not work. You can request a Triply Software token by sending an email to [email protected].

Install this generator

npm install -g @triply/etl-generator

For most Linux installs these will require root access, since global Node modules are stored in /usr/lib/node_modules/. If you recieve an error like this: permission denied, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/triply-etl-generator, an alternative solution would be to checkout this repository and run the code:

One time setup (only for Triply people since this requires access to a private Gitlab repository):

cd ~/triply
git clone https://git.triply.cc/triply/etl-generator
cd etl-generator
npm i && npm run build

After this is done, you can do this to use the generator:

cd ~/triply/etl-generator
npx etl-generator

Use the generator

Generate a new TriplyETL project

npx @triply/etl-generator

Run this to see all avaliable options:

npx @triply/etl-generator

Update the generator

npm update -g @triply/etl-generator

Develop the generator

Locally in the cloned repository:

npm i && npm run build
node ./dist/main`
npm i @triply/etl-generator

