
JavaScript utility library for simplifying the work with data, functions, promises, etc.
tinkoff utils ramda lodash curry perfomance

Tinkoff Utils Build status Coverage Status

Fast, small and purely functional utility library


$ npm install @tinkoff/utils


Structure of the library

  • /object – for objects
  • /string – for strings
  • /promise – for promises
  • /array – for arrays or array-like objects
  • /function – for functions – composition, currying and so on, also a set of simple functions (noop, T, F)
  • /is – set of type checking methods
  • / – root contains utilities which don't satisfy any of the above categories or are universal


import pathOr from '@tinkoff/utils/object/pathOr';
import compose from '@tinkoff/utils/function/compose';
import toLower from '@tinkoff/utils/string/toLower';
import map from '@tinkoff/utils/array/map'

const toLowerName = compose(
    pathOr(['name'], '')
const result = map(toLowerName)([{name: 'testA'}, {name: 'testb'}])


$ npm run benchmark
Utility Lodash Ramda Utils
clone 120,807 ops/sec 112,053 ops/sec 293,572 ops/sec
array/filter 2,080,728 ops/sec 1,849,633 ops/sec 2,046,113 ops/sec
is/empty 1,506,963 ops/sec 474,177 ops/sec 3,731,564 ops/sec
function/flip 7,528,745 ops/sec 3,735,143 ops/sec 3,490,207 ops/sec
object/path 12,023,128 ops/sec 8,894,639 ops/sec 7,587,076 ops/sec
string/trim 4,215,928 ops/sec 1,034,655 ops/sec 6,029,794 ops/sec

Browser support

  • Chrome >= 40
  • Firefox >= 52
  • Edge >= 14
  • IE >= 11
  • Safari >= 10
  • iOS >= 10
  • Android >= 4.4

Node support

  • 6.4.0 and higher

Bundle size

Library Bundle size
import _ from 'lodash' 70.1 kb
import ... from 'lodash/...' 21.8 kb
import R from 'ramda' 41.3 kb
import ... from 'ramda/src/...' 10 kb
import ... from '@tinkoff/utils/...' 2.32 kb

For detailed comparison with specific libraries see COMPARE.md

npm i @tinkoff/[email protected]

