
Small library for dealing with Durations
duration iso8601 rfc3339


Simplistic library for dealing with Durations

ABNF for Strings

The strings that this module outputs could be represented with the following ABNF, which is a subset of that found in RFC3339 for Durations:

   dur-second        = 1*DIGIT "S"
   dur-minute        = 1*DIGIT "M" [dur-second]
   dur-hour          = 1*DIGIT "H" [dur-minute]
   dur-time          = "T" (dur-hour / dur-minute / dur-second)

   duration          = "P" dur-time

Specifically, this module does not handle Years, Months, Days, or Weeks. It also doesn't accept fractional seconds (milli / nano seconds).

Example Strings

  PT20S       //  0 Hours,  0 Minutes, 20 Seconds
  PT10M       //  0 Hours, 10 Minutes,  0 Seconds
  PT1H        //  1 Hours,  0 Minutes,  0 Seconds
  PT1H20S     //  1 Hours,  0 Minutes, 20 Seconds
  PT1H10M     //  1 Hours, 10 Minutes,  0 Seconds
  PT1H10M20S  //  1 Hours, 10 Minutes, 20 Seconds
  PT26H10M20S // 26 Hours, 10 Minutes, 20 Seconds

Duration Object

When a method accepts or returns an object, it'll use the following structure:

    hours: Integer,
    minutes: Integer,
    seconds: Integer



Takes an integer and creates a Duration Object. See the source code for details, but seconds are used first, then minutes, then hours.

For example, fromSeconds(60) would return { hours: 0, minutes: 1, seconds: 0 }


Parses a given String using the format specified above. Returns an Duration Object.

toString(object | integer)

Accepts a Duration Object or a integer value representing the duration in seconds. When an integer argument is given, the value is first passed to fromSeconds, in order to get it's Duration Object representation.

Returns a String matching the ABNF listed above. In the case of the duration having a total length of 0 seconds, PT0S is returned, such that you still can parse it at a later date.

npm i @thisismissem/durational


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Emelia Smith
  • released 2/13/2018

